Bandit Or Assassin? The Age Old Question

o you want to become a thief? Well thief is the most common and most seen type of class on maplestory. Everyone wants the speed power and overall coolness of being a thief. But before you can be one, you have to make a choice. Assassin or Bandit? If you think you’re the only one that has had this thought occur you’re wrong. Very wrong.

In this short little guide I’m going to show you the ups and downs of being an assassin and bandit. I have no assassin or bandit, but believe me I’ve played on a 5X assassin and read all I can about being a bandit. I believe I’m pretty well educated, so if you’re ready continue and hear me out.

The Basics

Assassins and bandits. Two very powerful classes on Maplestory. But which one? Let me explain some of the basics.

Assassins – Assassins are the fastest and strongest , but they eat up money like HELL. not only are thier equipment and weapons costsly, but they’re so expensive that until you’re level 5X you won’t be able to recieve enough income from training to afford your weapon. believe me I know, being an unfunded sin many times. Assassins also eat up alot of money training. They go through mana and hp like CRAZY. So much of your money is spent on pots, you barely make any income. And don’t even get me started on the cost of stars. Nevermind I’ll go on about it anyway. Throwing stars fuel the assassin. Having decent stars is a VERY (Strong emphasis on ‘very’.) important item that every assassin needs in thier inventory. Stars do not have high drop rates, making thier cost high. And on top of that, everyone one wants to be an assassin, making the price even higher. The prices of throwing stars on Bera server are as follows:

Subi – 15 att. (Can be store bought.)
Avg. price – 500 mesos

Wolbi – 17 att.
Avg. price – 20,000 mesos

SnowBalls – I don’t know much about these, I’m pretty sure they stopped dropping a long time ago. When you throw these alot of people inquire aoubt them.
Avg. price – No clue. they’re weak but I’m pretty sure some people would pay money just to have them in their inventory.

Mokbi – 19 att
Avg price – 90,000 mesos

Tops – 19 att. (They cost more because there are more in a set. and they look cool and fast.)
Avg. price – 110,000 mesos

Kumbi – 21 att.
Avg. price – 350,000 mesos

Icicles – 21 att. (More in a set, once again.)
Avg Price – 500,000 mesos

Tobi – 23 att.
Avg. price – 1,400,000 mesos

Steely – 25 att.
Avg. price – 7,500,000 mesos

Ilbi – 27 att.
Avg. price – 17,000,000 mesos.

See those prices? that’s ridiculously high. The more you level the more you need higher quality stars. But during your beginning years of training you’ll be eating up so much money from mana pots that you’ll actually LOSE profit. And even when you DO start making money, it won’t be nearly enough to afford decent stars.

Bottom line – Assassins can be a great class when you have at LEAST 10mil+ before you make the assassin to afford it’s weapons and armor. (That’s 10mil IF you use it conservatively.) they are fast and strong, but alas, only for the rich.

Alec’s advice (That’s me.) – DO NOT MAKE A SIN UNLESS YOU HAVE A HIGH LEVELED CHARACTER TO MAKE MONEY IF YOU RUN OUT! Do NOT try to make an assassin unless you’re sure you have enough money. If you don’t, you’ll be going through hell with financial problems then entire game.

Bandits – Bandits go through hell during TRAINING. Although sins level fast with quality stars and enough mana potions, Bandits go slow even WITH funded. Most people say, ‘I’ll make a banditsin, that way I’ll be able to go through first job fast!’. Now to those who don’t know, a banditsin is someone who puts his points into assassin skills like lucky seven keen eyes and nimble body in first job, avoiding double stab, a bandit skill. Why? So they can get through the 1st job fast, then become a bandit without the hassle of BEING a bandit through those rough first levels. But now you’re thinking, ‘If they retain no bandit skills from first job, how will they match other bandits?’ Simple, double stab is rendered useless because of Savage Blow, a bandits main attacking skill for pretty much the rest of the game. This bandit sin idea is attractive to lazy people, but it has one flaw. IT’S NOT AS FAST AS GOING STRAIGHT BANDIT. Believe it or not, banditsins have rough times between levels 30-40. They start falling behind becuase other sins are getting critical throw, which is essential to the assassin. So, they start falling behind and have to wait till their 40’s when their savage blow is strong enough to match other bandits.

Now you see bandits eat up money too, but not as much as assassins. They don’t require expensive stars and claws to do damage, and they have a higher defence than assassins. Their Savage blow also looks wicked cool.

Bandits can DEFINITELY be unfunded, but not as nearly as powerful as a funded assassin. Funded bandits can also be good too.

The Bottom Line


-Super powerful
-Very fast
-Level fast
-Very fun to play
-Very good showoffs and you will NEVER be ksed by someone your level. Unless it’s another sin.

-Eat up equipment money
-Eat up scroll money
-Eat up training money
-Low income until you get shadow meso
-Unstable damage
-Need at least 10mil+ to fund through the game. (Not including stars!)


-Very awesome looking
-Large Variety of skills
-Decent damage funded AND unfunded
-Stable damage with a cool looking savage blow.
-Money friendly compared to Assassins

-Weak compared to assassins
-Ksed alot at mostly all levels
-Slow training
-The level 50-60 wep (Shinkita) cannot benefit from Dagger booster Making them very slow through their prime levels.
-The audio for savage blow (thier main attack through levels 30 – 70) is really annoying.

Well now you can think it over and made your decision. you’re educated now, so now it’s safe to make your choice. And once again I will point out, if you want to become an assassin just because you saw a video of some level 11X pwning, it’s not going to be like that if you’re poor. If you do not have 10 mil+ or a level 50+ cleric (or some other high cash flow money making class) to back it up, you are going to seriously be going through HELL your first levels.

Alecs Choice: Bandits. They’re kind of slow levelers but at least you won’t be doing math in your head while training thinking about pot money.

Choose Wisely!

5 thoughts on “Bandit Or Assassin? The Age Old Question”

  1. For the audio on savage blow, all you have to do is:
    1) Go to the menu (press exit)
    2) Click on systems option.
    3) Mute BOTH audios (If you just mute the BGM, then you’ll still hear the audio. If you only mute the other one, then it’ll play h3ll with the next step.
    4) Switch on some good music you like to listen to.

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