When I went to El Nath, I was like “Hey, a Yeti! Let’s give it some pop-tarts!” But fore some reason, perhaps my friend who was lodging sharp metal objects in it, the Yeti killed me. I’ve learned to never try to share my pop-tarts.
I don’t see the point of actually doing all the stages in the Ludibrium PQ. It would be a LOT easier to just build your way up to the bonus stage!
Before a Spearman uses “Hyper Body”, how much sugar does he have to eat?
If Archers have “The Eye of Amazon”, do Dragon Knights get “Eye of the Tiger”?
One of my favorite monsters is the Mixed Stone Golem, because it promotes racial diversity. Unlike Blackbull.
Can’t believe Pianus isn’t extinct yet. It’s as if the Japanese didn’t realize how much it would help the sushi industry!
Who’s playing the bongos in Perion?
Why is a snowball, an improvised projectile made of frozen precipitation, an equivalent of a shuriken, a pointy metal object designed with an intent to cause damage?
Is the ribbon on a Steely red so that you can re-use them without cleaning even when they’re bloodstained?
Why does the “Band of Thieves” have no instruments among them?
Pianus is too cheap to buy cans of whoopass, it can only afford cans of screams.
The Spa is heated by WHAT?
I don’t like All Cure Potions. They falsely advertise it. It says it will recover you from any abnormal state. C’mon, being dead is an abnormal state, isn’t it?
Has anyone bought slots for their buddy list from those NPCs? EVER?
Once, I saw someone using a vac, and I wanted it BAD. But when I used “/find”, it said it was in “Hidden Street: The Dark Closet”.
ok dude u think too much. o.O
but dont worry sum1 will eventually answer ur questions, and actually i agree with u
LOL. funny, funny funny. :] <3
r u a boy? o.O
cool! These are the best ones yet! You have such creativity to think of these awesome questions! I especially like the vacuume one, the eye one, the snowball one, and well, I liked them all!
Lol again, I love your philosophies (if they indeed are). Anyhoo, I especially love the Pianus and sushi one. Thanks for the laugh!
-=The Nazgul=-
Nice as usual XD
I don’t get this one, sorry. I bought buddy slots from them. I maxed it out to 50. Can’t extend any further. -_-;;
My favourite was the sushi one. xD
You make laugh so badly.
People do buy slots from those NPCs.
And re your Spa question, IT IS HEATED BY HELL.
Check this for proof. link
LMAO excellent! This is the best among the section of questioning Maple Story I’ve seen so far.