Slime Tree at Halloween

So there I am. Fooling around, as usual. I see a megaphone that says there’s a KS war at the slime tree. I go there, and I realized the the slimes were orange! My friend thinks the slimes did something to annoy Wizet. I found a spot where 4 slimes spawned at once, and, being an ice/lightning wizard, I zapped the demented slimes to oblivion. And got some candy. Thing is, there was another Ice/lightning wizard there, and predictably, it turns into a “lightning war”, where the objective is to use lightning first. I got a respectable amount of candies, as did almost everyone. I assume the Dragon Knight that was there got a fair bit. So, everyone gets candy, and got the satisfaction of using advanced mob skills on ridiculously easy monsters, and everyone in Khaini is happy, right?

I think not. What about the lower-first-job players who are literally dependant on the slime tree for leveling? High leveled people won’t party with them, for fear of losing candy, so they’re just left to try killing Gate Keepers with snail shells! It’s quite sad, that Halloween has become the time of year that low-leveled people are unable to train, when they should be enjoying the festivities, isn’t it?

Anyways, I’m off to spam lightning at the slime tree~!

2 thoughts on “Slime Tree at Halloween”

  1. true it is. a shame that many people dont get the fact that EVERY SINGLE MONSTER drops the darn candy. i’m training as usual and i get a steady stream of candy.

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