My STR sin

I just wanted to try something not involving following a guide that’s the same as so many others. After much thought, I decided on a STR sin. I’m currently working towards this AP build; DEX=25, STR=LevelX2-25, everything else in LUK. This gives me a bit more LUK than the “normal” thief build.

So, I have above-average LUK, giving me more power which is boosted further by my STR. I currently use a clean 11 atk Garnier. Not the fastest claw, but is remedied by booster. (It’s impossible to attack faster than a Meba even with booster, right?) My STR partially makes up for the defence I could have gotten with better equips. My accuracy will be sub-par due to the lack of DEX, but not abysmally so. Lastly, if I’m not mistaken, STR raises the HP increment upon leveling, so I will be able to manage higher-leveled monsters.

From level 1 to 19, I’ve been ridiculed by a number of people, and only met a couple who were willing to consider the idea and not immediately deem it as useless. People have stopped making fun of me recently. I suspect it’s because I have a Genesis Bandana and the fact that I’m matching others in terms of damage.

I’ve decided to post it here, because from other blogs and the responses, it seemed like the part of the maple community who are more mature. I’d like CONSTRUCTIVE criticism regarding the above.

Btw, I’m new to MMO, so… Umm… Hi? o_O

6 thoughts on “My STR sin”

  1. welcome

    yeah im waffle

    and umm yeeaahh

    well whatever. . .

    i need some waffles. . .

    but this dam toaster wont work -_-

  2. -Did you plug it in? =P

    -I’ve been reading the stories and stuff for like 2 months. I actually wait for the next ones to come out!

    -Hmm, I don’t know, when I got my first job advancement, I had 25 dex, 26 str and 15 luk, and my damage range with subis and avg garnier was 12~23. or something along those lines, but I’m sure about the 23.

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