Tri Legends of Maple Part 13

Vrick looked around the room once more.
“I thought the other contenters of the tournament died it at the mansion?”
“Yes, they did, but I reborned them, brung them up here and the sandman put them asleep, until the gods wake them up. Since the tournament is a blood oath, you must compeat, weather you’re alive, or dead.” Fathertime walked out of the room. “You can sit here if you want, but the first half is in ten minutes. Fathertime walked out the doorway and down the hall. During the time Vrick had sat there, he wondered why he was in the tournament, when he had entered his name in on the list and how he got here. These were all questions that Vrick’s curiosity wanted to know. It seemed like ten minutes had gone by, but how was he supposed to tell when the tournament started, none of the clocks surrounding him had the right time on it. Suddenly, a loud sound like a train whistle had sounded off, making Vrick cover his ears. It was the clock at the end of his bed. Immediately running out the room, he saw a hall, but he didn’t know where to go. It seemed like he was in an old roman colosseum with the battle ground in front of him. So Vrick jumped off of the side of the edge, and landed on his feet at the corner of the battle ground. Then, Vrick saw a man stand up from his very tall chair, and announce something.
“WE WELCOME, VRICK SESTIO, TO THE GROUNDS.” The man shouted. “AND…..” Huge doors opened as a man walked onto the grounds. Vrick stared at the man, It was the man from the jail. The announcer started to speak again.

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