Nubby Levelling

I also wonder why I get so happy get so happy when ever i level, like from 33 to 34… Yet it seems forever impossible to become a high level..sigh…sometimes i think that they are botting…Take MrYanDao for an example, he never replies to anyone, talks to anyone, I even defamed him and he did not do anything…Still level 34…

10 thoughts on “Nubby Levelling”

  1. The time from 31 to 35 is the hardest, for every class. Put yourself together, at 35 it will go much faster ^^

  2. How bout a warrior? IS the pain leaving yet? Or will mages comtinue to ks me and assassins telling me to cc and bowman trying to kill me using their knock back?

  3. Its hard for all. I just myself entered the 31-35 area as a hunter. If I am not mistaken, its the hardest for the bowman class.

  4. well, my friend said spearmen levels at a decent rate once you get to the higher levels. . . take my friend’s bf for instance. he levels almost once a day and passed me by about 3 levels -_- . . . Lol you defamed him to see what would happen. are you that curious? ._.

  5. No, just proving my theory that he is botting, he is online 24/7 and moves in the same pattern and gets his pet to pick the drops =.=

  6. Or maybe many people are playing that same character, like Tiger does. And it doesn’t seem like a defame would hurt him since he’s already got so much.

  7. is MrYaNdAo in MapleSea? Cuz ive never seen him in the MapleGlobal rankings O_O

  8. killrnstnct9 said: “is MrYaNdAo in MapleSea? Cuz ive never seen him in the MapleGlobal rankings O_O”


    Anyway, this is a thread made on MMOTales 0 birthday so pls dont respond anymore

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