Aaaah, finally my stories are back. It’s been over two weeks, if I remember correctly. Check out the other stories first to see what’s happening. Here goes!
Steeisin opened his eyes slowly. The water was in his ears, his mouth, everywhere. Spluttering, Steeisin swam towards the surface. He was getting closer. . . closer. . . closer. Finally he reached the surface. Coughing up dirty water, he looked around for an object to hold on to. He found one nearby, and grabbed on to it.
It was Johnee. Steeisin looked down at Johnee’s clouded-over eyes, and felt blood rush through him. “IS THIS SOME SORT OF SICK JOKE!?!” Will screamed. “I MAKE FRIENDS AND THEY ALL DIE!!!” He left the corpse, for now. He had to kill the attacking warriors. Now.
~~~-~~~-~~~-~~~-~~Fort Snake~~~-~~~-~~~-~~~-~~
TKPenguin had just finished training with his unit. They all leveled up once, and they were in a good mood, resting at the lounge. Serra was sharpening her teeth with her knife, Sniggles was eating a cheeseburger, Jeremy and Elisa were playing Omok, and the rest of the unit were resting. “Aaah, nice job, Penguin Unit. Tomorrow we chop up golems!” exclaimed TKP. The group cheered.
Suddenly, Lauren came rushing in the lounge, her face pale. “TK! TK! I found, I found, Ash’s body in a closet! There’s two cooks dead as well! Follow me!” she yelled. But before anyone could say anything, she fainted.
“Holy crap! Guys, this is serious,” said TKPenguin. Alecks sprung up and removed his Bazlud.
“Cap’n, I’ll head for’ard and check out what’s going on,” he said as he saluted smartly, turned on Dark Sight, and vanished.
TKPenguin turned to his group “Okay, as for the rest of you, stay here and defend your po-” TKP couldn’t finish his sentence; an arrow hit him in the back of the shoulder. “Dammit! Penguins, defensive formation!” TKP roared. The Penguin Unit used their weapons to act as a sort of shield, and those with panlids and wristguards held them in front of their faces. Elisa quickly grabbed Lauren’s limp body and dragged Lauren behind her shield.
Meanwhile, two warriors and a slick archer hid behind an arch, wearing thief armor. Vlad and Prokskey, the two warriors, were quite large and muscular, wielding axes. They were dull-witted but loyal, and tough. The archer, a sub-captain named KrubEye, was a cheeky little punk. He thought he was the best bowman in the world because he could handle both bows and crossbows. He had long blonde hair, some going over his blue eyes. He pulled his hear back gallantly, and removed his bow. “I hit their captain,” he remarked with a small smile.
“Ya! Ya! Cap’n hit Cap’n! Harhar!” laughed the two axemen. Suddenly, Jeremy flung a Tobi. It grazed Prokskey’s leg, and he bellowed in pain. “Oh no! Blood! My blood! Yaaargh!” he shouted in agony.
“I think I got one, sir,” exclaimed Jeremy quickly. “They’re wearing thief armor as cheap disguises, too.”
“Alecks is coming! I see him!” shouted Aidan.
Sure enough, Alecks came running back to the lounge. The Penguin Unit flipped over couches and tables to use as cover, so Alecks leapt over the makeshift blockade. “Sir, there’s three of ’em; two warriors, axemen I believe, and a bowman. The bowman seems pretty tough,” he said breathlessly.
“Okay, guys, on the count of three, we charge. Weapons ready!” exclaimed TKP. Everyone readied their weapons, their faces grim.
“One, two, three! CHAAAARGE!
The Penguin Unit ran at the three agents. Prokskey saw them charging, and managed to utter, “They comin’! Git reddy!” but that was all he could say; three stars went in him and Alecks finished him off with a Double Stab. KrubEye cussed, fired a quick arrow, and ran, leaving Vlad to fend for himself. The arrow he had fired hit Serra in the gut, and she doubled over, blood coming from her mouth. Aidan ran towards her and was about to heal her, but Vlad hit him away with the butt end of his axe. The assassins of the group threw their stars, but Vlad blocked them with his enormous axe. Elisa gave a quick Magic Claw at Vlad, and he yelled in pain and rage. He charged forward, knocking Lance and Alecks over. He ran straight towards TKPenguin. Striking him with his axe, TKP went flying towards a wall. He struck it; hard. Trying to shake off the pain, he looked up at Vlad, grinning devillishly at him. He came closer, closer.
“Just like my dream,” thought TKP.
The axe was just about to come down on him, but three stars went through Vlad’s head. More surprised than pained, Vlad fell over, stone dead. Just to make sure, Jeremy (whom had thrown the stars) ran at Vlad and kicked him backward. The huge warrior fell backwards three feet, even more dead than he was before. TKP got up, dusted himself off, then smiled. “Good work, Penguins. But, where’s that archer?” he asked.
By now, some other mages and thieves had heard the ruckus. Unfortunately, Thief and Grundull were too busy in their rooms; attending war matters. The small warband of mages and thieves followed the noise, and found KrubEye, trying to escape. “Halt!” they shouted, but KrubEye still ran. Resorting to violence, a Fire/Poison wizard flung a poison brace at KrubEye, stunning him temporarily. This gave the other Eon Snakes a chance to surround the lone archer. “Now, stay still and we won’t kill you,” said a brave bandit, waving a Korean fan at KrubEye. Shouting in rage, KrubEye fired a crossbow bolt straight at the bandit. The arrow struck him, and he went flying backward.
This was the only chance the sub-captain needed. KrubEye ran past the bandit, and flung himself out of a window. After he went flying through the opening, he ran, back to his base.
Lauren finally regained her senses. The Penguin Unit rushed to her aid, and Aidan healed her. Nodding in thanks, she looked around. “Where’s TK?,” she asked quietly. Lance twiddled with an Icicle, nodding towards TKPenguin. TKP looked up, smiled, and ran towards Lauren.
“You’re safe!” he exclaimed.
“Well, I’m perfectly fine, but you’re the one who should be injured or something,” she winked sarcastically.
“Aw, whatever. The good thing is we’re all safe.”
“Uhh! Not Serra! Guys! Guys!” yelled Aidan, pointing to Serra with his Cromi.
Serra the weird bandit was lying on the floor with a puddle of blood around her. Aidan and Elisa rushed to help her, and healed her a few times. But it was futile; she wasn’t recovering. “I’ll take her to the medical area!” nodded Aidan bravely as he slung her over his back and ran.
“Poor Serra, she doesn’t deserve to die,” muttered Jeremy. The rest of the unit nodded gravely, unsure of what would happen next.
KrubEye thought he had escaped, but he had fooled himself; a piece of paper was on the floor of Fort Snake where he fled. On the piece of paper were directions to get to the main base of the archers, Henesys. Because of KrubEye, all of the archers were in grave danger.
To Be Continued. . .
Okay, the next one will be done soon! I appreciate feedback and comments, and don’t be afraid to approve the story!
Great story! I hoped you hadn’t quit writing, but finally a new one comes! I’ve been checking every day, let me tell you, and it’s finally here! Keep ’em comin’!
i won in this ep 
oops i meant own =X
finally a story thomas i forgot to tell will have a nice time in china
Hehe, yup. Will is already at China, the poor guy. Oh and Tommy! Don’t forget to approve of this awesome story! >=(
nice nice, can contiuned on? lol,