Did You Know…

Do you know. . .

Hey Mip. ;x Same time tonight, right? <333 ILY. <333

Haiiii MMO’ers. It’s me! 😀 That little Kitten that runs around here sometimes, throwing out ‘I Likes’ and Opinions. xP


I suppose it’s about time for me to get to my blog, though. This is another long one, so all of you short-attention-span folks should take a long walk off a short pier with an anchor tied around your neck. I hear it’s the new bling bling. <3


Pat, my maple story pride and joy, best friend, my everything. ;o
(If you want to know more about Pat, read my blog, “Open Heart Surgery :[”.)
I was there with him 100%. Like I always am. ;o
I took screenshots of EVERYTHING. When I say EVERYTHING, I mean EVERY SINGLE THING. In a total of 3 hours, I took 929 images.
If I’m lying, may God strike me now, where I sit.
*is an atheist* >_> *cough*

I can’t post the screenshots right now because doing so would require me to take time out of my homework. I can’t do that. School comes first. Dx I still wuv you though, MMO. <333 I’ll put them in mai next blog. ;x

Yesterday, I trained Pat to 70% because he had to go eat at his dad’s restaurant with some of his dad’s colleagues. He was discouraged because this was going to take a LARGE chunk out of his plan to become a hermit by February 23rd. (Marissa, his black kitty, (Named after me! :D) goes away on February 23, and he wanted her to be there for when he became a hermit. So me, being the totally PWNSOME friend I am, got on his account and trained him from 54% to 70% in TWO HOURS, at STONE GOLEMS. Pwnt, much? *brags* He was pretty happy. :3

Mmkai, moving on.

So here’s how the today went, mmkay? Mmkay.

I log in, and the first thing I see is Pat screaming “NO!!!!!!!!” in guild. (That’s right. Pat came back to BombSquad. W00t! ;o) I replied with “o__O”, and he tells me I got on too early, because he was only at 94%. xD

I let him know that I would only be able to be online for 3 hours because I had to go tutor the 8th and 9th graders at me school. (-.-;;; Little snot-nosed, ungrateful. . . *COUGHCHOKECOUGH* My foot tastes icky.)

Pat told me that we were gonna need Orbis scrolls since we would be doing a lot of moving between Victoria Island and El Nath. I already had 3… 😮 So I rushed to Ellinia to catch the ship so I could get us some! Next thing I know, Pat pops up next to me! 😀 He showed me his new level 70 gear that he was gonna be able to wear soon, and he gave me the level 60 hat. =)

We got on the ship, and we got our own ship! That usually never happens, so we were happy. So we played with our cats, and my cat, Patrick (Named after Pat! :D) was being disobedient, while Marissa (Pat’s cat) was listening like a good cat. xD When we got to Orbis, I ran to the tower to do the scroll quest. Pat was gonna help, but I told him to go train, and I’d handle the scroll situation. I told him to call me when he got to 99.98%. x3

So I did the quest and got some scrolls. 😀 Pat wasn’t finished getting to 99%, so I just started working on that quest where you have to find snowflakes from the white and dirty hair clumps. 😡 After about 15 minutes, Pat called me so I could watch him level, and get screenshots. (Like I usually do. :D) He blinked in the screenshot of him leveling! >:O Oh well. xD Ya win some, ya lose some. All the other screenshots of him leveling are PERFECT. <3

I kept spamming in my buddylist about Pat’s progress. I couldn’t help it, I was just so EXCITED. It was actually kinda funny:

Me: OMG PAT’S AT 97%, ONLY 3% AWAY FROM BEING A HERMIT!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Me: OMG PAT’S AT 97%, ONLY 3% AWAY FROM BEING A HERMIT!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Me: OMG PAT’S AT 97%, ONLY 3% AWAY FROM BEING A HERMIT!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Jimmy: lol
Ani: ^^
Betty: O_O
Rachel: Early grats!

There’s more, but I’mma lazy typer, and this blog is ALREADY long. >.>
I did that like… 5 times. xD

Me: PAT IS LEVEL 70 NAO, HE’S GONNA BE A HERMIT!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Me: PAT IS LEVEL 70 NAO, HE’S GONNA BE A HERMIT!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Me: PAT IS LEVEL 70 NAO, HE’S GONNA BE A HERMIT!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Kaos: You’re just kidding, right?
Doum: GRATS TO PAT! ^_^
Semo: Gratz
Me: No lie!!
Kaos: He levels so fast! -_-
Me: *snickers*
Kaos: f3 Does he grind train?
Doum: Is he hacking? He got that 2% too fast…

Anyways, then Pat put on his level 70 gear. His scarab was orange, and I told him that it looked like he’d stuck his hand in a bag of cheetos. We ROFL’ed for like 2 minutes over that! Then I realized something…

Pat’s new equips don’t show his belly!!!! TT_TT;;;;;

Pat: *f7* *puts on level 60 gear* *f3*
Pat: *puts back on level 70 gear*

Then we ran to the chief’s residence so Pat could talk to Arec. As we were leaving the chief’s residence, Pat stops and he’s all, “Hold on, lemme check something.” Next thing I know, he pulls off his transparent cap, and is wearing his level 70 hat. Then he does F6. (Pat has the antagonist hairstyle, just so ya know.) I nearly died. Nearly. I was laughing so bad that I couldn’t even type. >.< I was tryna explain to him that I was laughing, but all I managed to get was: “iomgf hahaahaha t loks scry!” Then he made a comment about how the level 70 gear made him look shorter. xDDD I just laughed.

We rushed to catch the ship back to Ellinia, but we missed it and had to catch the next one. >_> After taking out all of our ‘pissed-cause-we-missed-the-ship-at-such-a-vital-point’ anger out on the ticketing usher, we got the next ship, along with two ice/lits. One was level 91, and the other was 89, and they were gonna take down the balrog. ._.

When we got to Vic, we rushed to Kerning to visit the father of all thieves, Dark Lord. So Pat talked to him, and he went the two of us to the monkey swamp. ;o So off we ran. When we got to the weird swirly-dimension thingy, we stopped so I could wish him luck. The conversation reminded me of a mother sending her child off for the first day of school.

Pat: I have to go in there. You’re going to have to wait for me here.
Pat: I will.
Me: Are you recharged? (I thought to ask this because we hadn’t stopped at any pot shops since we came from Orbis, after he’d leveled.)
Pat: Yes
Pat: Nope.
Me: OMG! Good thing I asked! xD Trade me.

So I trade him the two sets of tobis that still had stars in them for his empty ones, and I gave him 40 mana elixirs. XP

Me: WOOT! GO KICK (bad word)!!!! *f2*
Pat: Okay! *f2* I’ll make sure to! Bye~

I was so nervous. >_> I was sure to let my blist and guild know what was going on. x3

Me: OMG PAT JUST WENT IN TO FIGHT FAKE DARK LORD!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Me: OMG PAT JUST WENT IN TO FIGHT FAKE DARK LORD!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Me: OMG PAT JUST WENT IN TO FIGHT FAKE DARK LORD!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
James: Kick that guys (bad word)!!
James: I hope I can get to level 60 by march 3rd.
Me: He can’t reply, but knowing Pat, he’s probably reading it.
James: LOL! Pat you’re fat. :p
Me: His belly is gone. ;-;
James: rofl

Two minutes after Pat went in, he was FINISHED. WTH?!?!?!?! TWO MINUTES?!?!?! NOWAI!!@@!@(*^($^!@&# That’s Pat for ya. 😀

So we ran back to Kerning to talk to DL one last time before we went back to El Nath. We got to the dock, only to miss the ship by SECONDS. For the SECOND time today. -.- But James was there, so we played with him. xD And I picked on Pat for being short in his new equips!(My independence day hat made me sooo tall! It was even taller than his pilgrim hat. xD) :@ So then he put on his level 60 equips, and I teased him about his belly. <3

As soon as we landed, we rushed to the holy stone so Pat could answer some questions, then back to the Chief’s Residence we went. There was a HUGE yellow light (Which I got a MAGNIFICENT shot of, BTW) shining around Pat, then suddenly, he was a…


I can’t explain the feeling that we were feeling, but I knew we were both feeling it. (*wonders how much sense that statement made*) It was like… bundled up excitement, trying to release itself, but had no idea how to go about doing it. Then I broke the silence with a smega:


Then, like usual, I got random whisper, and my blist spammed grats to Pat, through me. @_@


We rushed out to the penguins, and Pat used SHADOW PARTNER for the first time.
It was so GREAT! It was like someone dropped something heavy on me and Pat’s F2 key. We couldn’t stop smiling, and smiling was the only thing we could do to express our pure HAPPINESS!!! I was so happy for him, and proud of him, and he was so excited at having come so far.

By this time, I had to go. =( Tutoring kids is no joke, let me tell you. >_> So we spammed our goodbyes, and even EXTRA goodbyes as I stalled for just a few more minutes. And for the first time ever, Pat spammed hearts at me. O_O I was soooo shocked because usually, his goodbyes are simple and straight to the point. xP It made me really happy, and made me feel more appreciated. xD And of course, I spammed them back. ;D

Pat has so far. Having been hacked at level 53 on his warrior (This was long before my time), he’d half given up. I’m not sure what brought him back to maple story, but I’m glad he was brought back. He started anew, from scratch, with no money for equips or anything. He made a sin, the HARDEST thing to start anew with, and he got back on his feet. He worked hard, and succeeded. He made money selling equips that he’d found while training, and it was all worth it.

Having reached his goal of becoming a hermit, Pat has a new goal. He wasn’t to pass up his sister. (Level 77, in bera.) I know he can do it, and while he does, I’ll be right by his side.


PS: *bribes with candy* The ‘I like’ button is good for your health~~ ;o <333

15 thoughts on “Did You Know…”

  1. Hey, I clicked the ‘I like’ button so give me the candy. I didn’t read this blog for nothing right?


  2. Um, Say Gratz to your friend for me. My cousin failed the questions for ‘The Holy Stone’ like 5 times wasting 5mil xDD. Then I answered them and got them right, Wierd huh o_o

  3. Like I give to other people with these maple relationships

    Err, nvm. Read it on someone elses blog so I wont write more.

  4. YAYY! xD

    That blog was soo cute! I love how you blog. <33

  5. WOAH! Kitten. You do realise i went past you? I was at the stone golems with your friend Andrew (ShadowCB) and that other dude.

  6. Me friend ‘ s name is Rachel . = ) Nice one on him leveling . I promise if i reach level 70 , things will be a lot more hecktic . IF i level to 69 , IF i have buddies .

  7. I’ll congratulate Pat for all of you. ;D

    @Nezinshadows: o.o Really? 😮 Tell me your IGN. You shoulda screamed at me. >_> Next time be like, “ZOMG KITTY! @!#&$^@&!# >:O C’MERE A’FORE I POP J00 UPSIDE DA HEAD!”

    @X: Omg Xander, you joined! Woot! Welcome! 😀

    @Aliyah: xP Thankssss Aliyah! ;o <3333

    @Dest1: o.o *stares*

    @Cheeze: *hoards the candy* I lied. >;3

    @ all of MMO: HAI! *insane waving* =]


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