soloing zakum pq ( not fightining zakum)

its rather ez to solo zakum pq. i did it and im lvl 50. u just gotta know exactly where everything is. thou on stage 1 u dont go for the documents,only do that if ur in a party 3 or more,trust me,just for the keys,its much less exp,12k,but ur soloing so it dont matter D. and on the jump quest dont attack nehting just jump and be patient dont stop and watch the patters!! but its recommended,VERY highly recommended,that u print out a guide and know what rooms u do first have fun soloin zakum and if u fight it ready to get OWNED D:

6 thoughts on “soloing zakum pq ( not fightining zakum)”

  1. dude, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to solo the first stage of Zakum PQ. It’s even hard for hackers with speed and jump hack that know where they’re going!

    And what’s the point of doing ZPQ and not getting the docs? The exp sucks. I mean, what is that, 2% every half hour?

  2. I suppose its more of a boasting thing, “I’m level 50 and I made it to Zakum.”

  3. I heard a lvl 137 crusader tried to solo it but eventually he died killing off 3arms, i wish i can do that,

  4. Phoenixcross, if you don’t know what youre talking about, dont say anything -.-
    i solo’d the pq as well, at level 51. it took me about 12 minutes to get just the keys. 1k per minute for walking around while eating chips and drinking soda? sounds good to me =D

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