So it begins…

Well, I’ve always hated blogs. Crap like MySpace and Xanga or whatever have always pissed me off. So one may ask, why exactly would I do this? Honestly, I don’t know.

But I’m here. Unlike a lot of others, I’m gonna try to avoid the first page for a while. I don’t like notoriety. I’ll gather a following in Underground Bellocan, and we’ll rise and conquer all… someday.

Well, I didn’t create a blog to complain about how much I hate them… so let’s begin.

I am Terrance, one of many older Maplers. I’m 20 years old, or at least I will be in a few months. My main is Kezric, a level 40 Bellocanian Hunter. I am, and always have been a gamer. And I HATE BAD GRAMMAR.

It sickens me to see so many people intentionally spell poorly because “it’s faster”. It’s not faster, it makes it harder to read. Now I’m an incredibly literate person, and fortunately for me I have many real-life friends who are idiots who can’t spell. However, if you didn’t spend ten years of your life translating Idiotese, this might pose a problem. I honestly can’t tell sometimes if someone doesn’t speak english and is running their text through a translator or if they’re just too lazy to spell right.

I am also diametrically opposed to cheaters, and I refuse to dignify them with the title “hacker”. Not like I exemplify hard work or anything, I’m just against cheating in that form. See, when you cheat in a normal non-online game using a cheat device such as a GameShark it basically reprograms the game, and may permanently corrupt game data. If one exploits secrets the programmers left in the game it’s fine, but to potentially corrupt the game in the name of leveling is sheer idiocy. And that is what cheat engines such as ZenX do- reprogram the game to achieve desired results- for you, that is… and those artifacts may begin to affect other parts of the game or just corrupt it permanently.

According to the hacker’s ethic, everything must be left as it was, leaving no trace of your actions. However, there pathetic script kiddies don’t know how the engines work, and therefore can’t do that, resulting in permanent damage to the system.

I’m also incredibly fond of long winded propaganda speehes, big words, Eos Tower and the ellipsis…

I gotta go work on my ID thing.

13 thoughts on “So it begins…”

  1. Welcome to MMOT! You sound like my kind of personÂ… orÂ… Waffle’s kind of person.

    If you have any questions at all, feel free to PM me.

    Happy Mapling!

  2. Hello and Welcome to MMOTALES!
    Laugh out loud!(Please don’t call me illiterate!)
    you spelled speeches wrong XD XD XD XD XD
    wow that was purrrrrfectly written (oh no I spelled perfect wrong, dear me!)



    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [Thats my job .]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    Merry Christmas!

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Hanukkah!

    [I forgot the spelling .]

    Happy Orange Day!
    [That is invented by me. Orange day is everyday! So is Fun Day, Candy Day, Insane Day. . . *Coughs loudly*]

    Happy Headache Day!

    Happy Internet Day!

    Happy Lime Day!

    Happy Jam Day!

    Happy Lacrosse Day!

    Happy Deranged Day!

    [And don’t quote this. Its long. Quote and face the wrath of Oranges and Apples!]

    Welcome Againneee <3

    Insanity is welcomed heartily .

  4. Harlow. Welcome to MMOTales, where anything and everything may happen.
    And btw, there was a newpaper article called:”Cheaters always prosper.”
    Dang it.
    Fear me on full moons too, Fenrir bit me. T.T

  5. Oh yay, mature players stuck in kiddish games unite! XD

    Now imagine needing to translate Idiotese for a living. *shudders* Thank goodness it’s only a temp job for me. :X

    A belated welcome to MMOtales.

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