One more…

Well, I’m a 4X Bellocanian Bowman. We’re pretty hard to come by, seeing as I don’t see too many except for the fact that there’s five of them on my buddy list and three in my guild. So, maybe not THAT hard… but anyway, I’m telling my history and you’re listening.

Becoming a good Hunter was really hard. In the beginning I was a nooblet on Maple Island, as we all were. I didn’t know Dex would let me hit harder too, but it did and that was awesome. I managed to do all the Maple Island quests easily, since at level 10 I could four-hit Orange Shrooms. So I killed a few and got my reward, but quickly sold that Fruit Knife in favor of a new bow.

I landed in Lith Harbor and was immediately accosted by some level 15 Assassin. God only knows what he wanted… I think he was typing in some foreign tongue. Well, I ignored him and walked to Henesys, got some stuff and went out to fight with my new bow, and the blue t-shirt and Archer shoes I’d wear for the next 10 levels.

I was poor a lot, and I didn’t know many people. So naturally, when someone extended the hand of friendship I accepted. I made one friend, a girl I met in a potion shop. Now at level 11 I still hadn’t traveled past Ellinia, and I was very inexperienced. But I knew what a hack was, and when I saw her monster vaccing in Henesys Hunting Grounds II I basically panicked. I haven’t heard from her since, but I do know she’s disappeared from the rankings, so I assumed the worst…

I trained alone up to level 15 when someone came up recruiting level 10-20 people to go train. I signed up, and was basically outleveled my the two Assassins in my party. However, for some reason I was able to do tons more damage than either of them and I never stopped to rest, until I ran out of arrows that is…

At level 20 I decided to go on an adventure, back when a trip around the island was an adventure. So I was on the way to Perion wearing my signature blue shirt when a level 8 or so warrior-to-be screamed “HELP!!!” from somewhere. I killed whatever thing was pestering him and helped him train to level 10 and gave him 10k for warrior stuff.

The next day I was asked by that warrior if I wanted to go train.Well I was tired of training alone, so I agreed and went with them. From that day on, me and the guys I trained with, Sym and Mode, became buddies. We did quests together, fought together, developed strategies and even started a guild.

However… as time went on, the warrior I had trained and funded became my superior, and hit 2nd Job- while I was still level 25. Up until then, I had leveled once a day, but at level 25 I noticed that my damage was unnecessarily low and unstable. I had reached the point at which most young archers give up, until one day…

I was level 27, and Sym and Mode had both hit 40 by that time. We were in Eos Tower and we hit the 92nd Floor when we were attacked by a swarm of birds. They swung their various blades, but to no avail. However, one shot from my bow easily pierced the birds, and by 10 shots it was nothing more than a pair of Worn-Out Goggles and 143 Mesos. Both of them stared in awe as I accomplished what they could not, and easily slayed hundreds upon thousands of the birds- level after level, until I hit 35. However by 35, they had already fallen to the temptations of power. We had grown apart, and they became less and less active following the Bellocanian Mass Bans.

At level 35, I had an array of new friends. Luhka, who is still an inspiration to me as an almost 5X Hunter, and once a member of the NotoriousXII; Lolly, the Bandit who leads our PQs; Jenkins, the team cleric, and Eli, a Warrior and my rival in power– all integral components of my new team. My Buddy List has grown with me, and every day I learn more and more about what it is to be an Archer. Lots of people in Bellocan know me, mostly as the psychopath from the forums who writes those long-winded GM propaganda speeches about the merits of Legitimacy and the downfall of the Scripties. And all in all, I’m a better person for it, whether I’ll admit it or not.

So now I’m 40, and getting my first taste of true power. I hang out in Aqua Road a lot, because I own flying enemies- and when I can fly just as well, it works out for me too. And every day I can I’ll come back, and keep writing this much- because I have a lot to say.

11 thoughts on “One more…”

  1. Where can I read these “long-winded GM propaganda speeches about the merits of Legitimacy and the downfall of Scripties”?


    I don’t know how come you love them. T_T I try to shoot them, and they FLYY like, well, like birds to a pile of birdseed to me. Then I can’t attack them other than PKBing them. And if I wanted to do close range damage, I might as well play my noobie warrior. >.>

    Anyway. GO HUNTER! ^^
    (Rangers are SEXEH! <3)

  3. Well, I guess I love them because they were the first time I had an upper hand on someone almost 20 levels above me. And I can shoot them fine. I thought all Archers were good against fliers, but apparently I’m the only anti-air specialist in Bellocan. Meh,

  4. This person is going to outstrip me in my strictly maple blogs <3


    (Spearpeople FTW .)

  5. Everyone should know that archer’s stability is the worst until they get mastery. Its a proven fact.

  6. Well, I didn’t know that when I was a newb. You don’t have to be like that man, I was just sayin’. Most people don’t know that their first day when they pick Archer, and when they hit 20 and their damage starts to crap out they’ll spaz and go with Warrior or start hacking.

    Just because you’re a know it all doesn’t mean everyone is.

  7. Hmm. I didn’t know about the unstable damage until I read a few guides around level 30 that told me the damage was unstable. >>; I always thought of the criticals as bonus damage, and simply judged expectations using the normal damages.

    Sounds strange but true! *plays dramatic background music!*

    I remember being high off all my criticals. Nothing like a sudden jump in damage to grin about.

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