Wewt High Priestess!

I actually returned to Ragnarok Online (private server, though). Not sure if anyone else here plays it.

YAY FOR HIGH PRIESTESS! I had a level 96 Priestess for the longest time, and I finally got her to 99, and powered her with some friends to 60! <3 YAYZORS

I also got a few other characters transcended, and it’s odd that my main character, a gypsy, has less friends than my priestess. XD

Also, I’m officially going War-Of-Emperium’ing! Yaaaay. XD Although I get mega-pwned most of the time, it’s still fun to be complete support and watch my guild leader (who’s level 130, 10 levels away from the level cap) pwn castles. :3

I met a very nice friend, too! He helps me level and is a level 99 Sniparrr. I think that people think we’re a couple, though. That’s… kind of wierd…

ANYWAY, just dropping a blog. Nothing much happening…

12 thoughts on “Wewt High Priestess!”

  1. Priestess always reminded me of that brand…oh yeah, Hostess! Twinkies are one of the Muffin Kingdom’s mortal enemies, they rival against us so much ;-;

  2. No sheet, Sherlock, and I’m starting to think you’re Dest1 more and more.

    Scratch that, Quang.

  3. You both hardly ever use punctuation preceding an emoticon, and you both use the “-_-” face with an underscore. That’s all the evidence I got right now, but it’s enough to make me as suspicious as, uh, I dunno… frick. I got nothing.

  4. Muffin is quack. They talk alike and are both dorks. Oh, now Quack used to be active alll the time and some Muffin appears? lol

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