Its being a while on MMOT but just for fun i might make a maplestory news paper.
If you want to take part in this newspaper project please pm me.
First of all these are the things i need.
1:Comics,Comics and Comics (All comics have to be under 150,000 bytes also pm the comic)Best ones will be in the newspaper
2:Short Stories:These stories are short and it only takes one newspaper to publish the stories.
3:Start of a long Series:This means you have to give me the start of the long series.(It could be long)
4:Continued Series:The chapters after the first one fall in this category.
5:Editorial:You ask the Questions and the answers will be published.
6:Quote of the week:Submit any Quotes and we’ll put them on.I’ll choose the most best quotes.
7:Articles:Something thats real that happened come in here.(Could be that you got hacked or you soloed a king slime etc…)
8:Shopping/Selling:You can post what your selling and buying remember to put your character names and which server.
Note:Your post may be edited.
Note:If you want to submit anything pm me the articles,editorial,Series,Stories,Quotes and comics and pm me what your selling/buying.
Tell your friends about it!
1st issue will be out next week Sunday.
So uncreative.
Give him a chance, Ebil :3
You never know, it might be okay.
Just like elephants might decide to become fairies and eat purple mushrooms that turn people into huge canaries which are rap-
Oh it’s Kennnnnnnnnnny from bleach
Give him a chance, Ebil :3
You never know, it might be okay.
Just like elephants might decide to become fairies and eat purple mushrooms that turn people into huge canaries which are rap-
Or maybe when titanium oinkers(iron pigs) fly or when Jr Balrog spawns every 5 minutes.
Or maybe when each little kid gets possessed by Barney and decides to paint themselves purple and run naked in front of trains :l
My gawd! Anni, please! There’re kids here! Don’t freak them out with truth of barney!
Ebil purple dinosaur. >.>
Quote of the dae: Playing is a good way of learning. I played Grand Theft Auto, and I floored the driving exams.
I guess that means. . . neverrrrrrrr. :p
[Edit] LOL Zhlink!
There are kids?
Kids, I lied about Barney, kay?
Barney’s actually a nice purple dinosaur who is not someone trying to stuff mind-control drugs down your throat and make you sing stupid songs.
Oops >__>
You’ll know when I post stuff, because there’s like, riots and stuff to be the first-in-line to see my blogs/ comics. >D
Pff, dream on, Cheezy. XD
1:Comics,Comics and Comics: MMOtales has it.
2:Short Stories: MMOtales has it too.
3:Start of a long Series: Mr J starts one every other day.
4:Continued Series: Ditto. Not to mention a handful of other pwnful writers.
5:Editorial: Forums much?
6:Quote of the week: Um. You win on this.
7:Articles: Isn’t that what MMOtales is about?
8:Shopping/Selling: Basilmarket is that direction *points to link *
So yeah. Good luck trying to make it fly. I’m not trying to put you down, I’m just pointing out that you will have difficulty floating the ‘original’ concept raft with this.
Ebil purple dinosaur. >.>
Quote of the dae: Playing is a good way of learning. I played Grand Theft Auto, and I floored the driving exams.”
There are Children here >=O *Glares at Mr.Jesus*
Er. . .Its not really reveiled but its CLOSE >=O
Aren’t all of here kids?
*Eats Jesus*
Grammatically incorrect. And no, there are quite a few older people. IE of high-school/college age.