Yay for wolfteam=D BOO FOR XTRAP

Today is the start of Closed beta testing 2 for wolfteam! it lasts for one week.

Doesnt the word Wolfteam send shivers up your back? Ofcourse it doesn’t. Well who wants to know what i did in wolfteam?
No one, because its basicly like this you think?
I shot somebody…blood…squirt…died…
bought new gun…shoot people with it…

WRONG… the truth is i did nothing on wolfteam.
Why may you ask?
Very simple.
It’s not the fact that i suck at this game, because i never tried.
Maybe soon when i do try i will suck…
The problem is

When i excitedly pressed the START GAME button it simply said,
The game security modlue update has failed [00010001:800C0005]

Ive been waiting months for this game and this crap shows up?
but first i got and check on free boards page to see if anyone else has this problem.
I check and guess what i see?

Every single title was aboout the security, xtrap. Its the crappy security module, even though good for agaisnt hackers, it prevented anyone from going in the game. The closest to getting in was,
this guy got through and into the sever select page. Then he was kicked out and when he went back it it said,
The game security modlue update has failed.
Xtrap IS CRAP.
There were OTHER problems with wolfteam as well. Some said a black screen appeared while others, it said there were errors with another game.
I cant belive this crap is happening.I hope softnyx fixes this problem and extend testing date.
And the fact that Xtrap does have a main web site bothers me…

Dont know what this “wolfteam “is? Its a fps game.
Heres the background.

A number of people with similar base arrangement to wolves’ have been discovered in the process of antidoting DNA of mankind of near future.

Many of them are found mainly among people with superb physical performance like athletes or mercenaries and they have prominently shorter life spans than others have.

A multinational medicine-manufacturing conglomerate “Pfien”, which developed a new medicine “Epoxyn” for a disease “Diewolf syndrome”, also develops “Anti-Epoxyn” that has opposite effect in profound secrecy and supplies to the France military.

The France military establishes a special force “WolfTeam”, also known as the 2nd foreign legion, and recruits unit aiming world wide.

The only draft requirement is basic physical test and a blood test in order to see if it suitable to “Anti-Epoxyn”.

Ages and physical ability of drafted members do not matter and they are free to commit any kind of crimes in their own countries according to the traditional rule of the foreign legion.

“WolfTeam” is a super force with greater-than-human performance using power of “Anti-Epoxyn” and nobody is able to stop “WolfTeam” in military tactics and espionage.

The fame of “WolfTeam” gets bigger and bigger but the France military finds “WolfTeam” is going out of control.

They often commit unnecessary murder and devastate the region even after they have completed their mission and once a blood bath starts, they won’t listen to any commands.

Each “WolfTeam” has its own substantial leader and its members give absolute obedience.

There is an order regardless of rank in “WolfTeam” The France military figures this is caused by mental side effect of “Anti-Epoxyn” and starts investigation on “WolfTeam” with Pfien to find out a solution.

One day, 7 of “WolfTeam” members get killed combating each other outside mission area.

Military police and researchers from Pfien who were dispatched to solve this issue get assassinated and every single member of “WolfTeam” burrows out of military’s sight.

“WolfTeam” members live on as mercenaries for their life and fight against the chase of France military on the other hand.

The other things about this game

Nonhuman moves and actions!

Climb up! Run fast! They are human-transcended wolves.

They will endure numerous bullets and murder human beings with their sharp claws.

They will use various close combat skills and have super natural power once they mutate.

Presence of wolves in battle fields causes various situations.

You can determine when you want to transform into a wolf under your decision and it will be very intimidating to run into big beasts in the dark during the game.

The main concept is a trial battle between human beings and wolves and it pictures death struggle of human beings converging shooting at surging wolves.

Human beings will have to co-work and keep their disposition just to survive and wolves will distract human beings in silence.

Transformed wolves can kill opponents with their bare hands.

Ability during mutation varies depending on character and feature of the wolves.

The original abilities get fortified and new abilities can also be given.

In other words, wolf mutation will bring new combat tactics and super-natural power, so that new strategies and game play become available.
Wolfteam is still under development and there will be new weapons and stuff….that is IF it works…

The pictures is the how to control your player in Wolfteam. The graphic is okay, based on the screenshots.

Yay this is my longest blog so far.

YAY it works =D
Now the screen turns black now and it stops moving =D…
Is that any better?

3 thoughts on “Yay for wolfteam=D BOO FOR XTRAP”

  1. I know what the problem is: It’s that a ghost hacked the system, causing other people, unable to play.
    Hoorah for believing in these things! =o

  2. It sucks that badly ? I nearly downloaded it . Thank god I didnt . Lemme know when it’s ready for consumption

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