Maple Heaven Intro

Hehe i got bored so i made a story series, enjoy.

Snagey was seriously wounded after killing mushmom. He walked back to henesys, still wounded, his hp still slowly declining.

He kept limping, until he reached a portal. He read the sign, it said “Henesys Hunting Grounds l”.
“i’ll be safe there”, said Snagey deeply. He walked in, and out of no where came a red snail charging at Snagey.
Snagey dug into his bag for stars and pots.
He reached deeper and deeper but he still couldn’t get anything. He then remembered he had used up all his stars killing mushmom. “Uh oh”, yelled Snagey. It was to late the red snail rammed into Snagey, his hp madly dropped to 0. The last thing he heard was “LOL NOOB”.

To continued…..

5 thoughts on “Maple Heaven Intro”

  1. that’s , interesting, if this you were strong enough then wouldn’t the snail just do like 1 dmg, also, you could have used dark sight!

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