
If you read applebombs blog, you know that I stopped playing maple story…..except for the once a month visit that I am required to do T.T XD.


Night_Wolf_975 THIS IS A YAHOO ACCOUNT!!! XD hint hint sooo again I say EMAIL ME!!! (edit when I originally typed this it did something funky)

To all my friends, I love you and miss you dearly…though I torment you unmercifully even though I’m not on maple…

Also, Djien, MAKE KIMMY EMAIL ME!!! Stupid jerk never did!

Edit: I will make another blog soon on everything that’s happened since I returned from Aussie….haven’t gotten to that yet XD

10 thoughts on “email!”

  1. I just freaking love you, oh my gawwd.

    I might accidentally call him Kimmeh. I’m gonna ask for his myspace. I feel like I’m missing out on a good joke, LOL.

  2. Do ya have MSN? If you do, then you’re missing out on a lot by having a Yahoo email. ;O

  3. MasterCheeze said: “Do ya have MSN? If you do, then you’re missing out on a lot by having a Yahoo email. ;O”

    nuuu I dont TT.TT EMAIL ME THOUGH!

  4. Ganzicus, I said my gmail, yahoo and msn all in one blog D=

  5. MasterCheeze said: “But it won’t be an instant email… D:”

    Yeah, you can still im me though XD add me and it works

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