The Night of Romance!

A Sort-of-Summary in Screenies!
^After several failed attempts to upload on MMOTales, I was forced to use ImageShack. >.>

[h]So it was decided, that Laura and Don were getting married.. today. O_O[/h]

LYKZOMGwhat. Iwannagoandseeinvitemeplox!!

After imploding with childish glee for some time, Windia announced that the Wedding was about to begin. The Cathedral was bigger the last time I saw it, and.. zomg. Laura looked so cute! Zomg, Don too! Everyone was jumping around, saying stuff like Early Kisses and people getting Dced.

The Wedding began, and ended just as fast with a kiss from Groom to Bride. It was so beautiful!

The Picture area wasnt chaotic as usual, as people stopped blocking the couple after a few moments. Or, at least, I think they did. O.o

The Monster area was chaotic, though. It took a long time for people to get in, as everyone was either Ksing, or couldnt even kill the cakes. I got into the Teddy room, got my Onyx Box, and waited for Laura to arrive for Don(whom was already there).

Oh, the ring! It was Moonstone, but since the Rings were glitchy, it came out as a Star. O.o Still, it was pretty cute.

Everyone then left the area. I got to the Onyx Box Npc second, and recieved a Triangular Sushi!! YAY!! After a moment of basking in its glory, the Wedded couple appeared, with a horde of people congratulating them. =]


And now for something completely different.

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