Day 1 has come and gone, lets summarize!
It started off as an ok day.
For those who read my other blog, you would know that today was my first day here. Unfortunately I didn’t get to spend as much time playing MS as I would have liked too… getting called into work and such.
However, I did reach a milestone!
I finally managed to level up to 37! Actually… from 36 to 37 only really took me 1 day, which wasn’t too bad. I probably could have done 36 and 37 in the same day if I hadn’t gotten side-tracked by the FM.
Your probably wondering just what is so great about 37.
37 is the highest level I have ever reached. Yes thats right, EVER!! Pretty sad for a player who’s been around off and on for more than a year. 37 was first achieved on a previous character, but now I’ve managed it with Raneku. I suppose that the real celebration should begin at 38, marking the official highest level ever obtained by moi. At 40 I think I might faint.
Another reason why leveling to 37 on Raneku is so exciting for me, I’m not bored yet!
That is a big feat in my book.
On the first character that made it to 37, I was already very bored… and 37 took me a month.
The character I made after that only got to 32 before being axed.
And the character after that made it to 34.
And now we have Raneku who sits quite happily at 37, waving a celebratory flag!
I think the contributing factor here is the fact that the first three characters mentioned all have one thing in common. Yes… they were all mages. In exact order… F/P, I/L then finally, Cleric.
And here is Raneku, completely unique in that she is a Dexless Sin (did I mention that she is 37??).
Now… what else did I do today?
I played a bit of Gacha. I seriously didn’t mean too… anybody who knows me is aware that I have a Gacha addiction.. but I plead that I had to play today!
I bought NX because I got pants’ed yesterday. Yeah.. my NX ran out on a pair of pants that I had previously bought, and just so happened to go really well with this new outfit. The result was that I was either walking around in underwear… or wearing shorts that looked like underwear anyways, or a skirt. The main problem was that the funky shoes I bought (Yeah the ones with blue fire coming out the back!), looked far too big with either the skirt or shorts. I believe the exact words of a friend were… feked up! So I was forced to buy pants… and I had NX left over.
I had nothing else to buy. Shop isn’t due to run out for another week, and even then I am contemplating whether or not I want another. And Kago still isn’t at evolving level.
I also used twisted logic to justify my desire to play by telling myself that I would probably win something good, and when I did I would sell it and use it to help pay for the guild I would like to create (details to follow).
Well… I won big… yeah… pretty good for only 5 tickets.
A few of the scrolls were valued at over 1m… I think there is one that is 3m, but I’m too lazy to check right now.
And… the grand prize. 3 ATT Pink Adventurer Cape.. whuts that, 40m??
So yeah… now for the real dilemma. To sell the cape, or to keep the cape. I could sell and boost my mesos. Or I could keep because I’m told that I will need it when I get to 50. But… prices seem to be dropping which is a sad thing. I could sell now, and buy later and perhaps still make a profit. Of course there is the risk of inflation, and ending up having to pay more that I sold it for anyways. Decisions, decisions.
And now I have some goals in mind.
I vow to scroll my sauna for LUK. Anybody who wants to help out with that is more than welcome.
I vow to obtain a better Maple Claw. That means more than 24 aTT. Again, feel free to help out.
I vow to open a guild, with a killer website. More details on that are to follow.
And, I vow to continue blogging here.
You are now being left with an image of Kago making eyes at something… flirty dragon.
I heard from a reliable source that the GM’s were going to close Bellocan ‘cuz everyone hates/dislikes it. ;O
Same with Khaini and Mardia. *nods*
I doubt that, Cheezy.
Well, my reliable source wasn’t wrong about, uhh something else that I heard was gonna happen. xO
Hmmm, it seems like a rather bad move if they were to follow through with that decision.
Bellocan does still have quite a few players. Many of whom have been online for quite some time.
Closing Bellocan means loosing those characters, all mesos and items earned, as well as nx.
Many people would just quit period. Who would want to spend time trying to gain that all back, unless they were somehow going to transfer you to another server of your choice (which I doubt).
That means a loss of significant revenue from decrease in website hits, as well as nx cash sales.
In addition, look at how busy some of the other servers are already. They would just overload them, lag central.
Lol. If they close those servers then Nexon are idiots. They will lose tons of players. There mains wer ein those worlds, man.
They’re going to bump each of the other servers to 25 channels and cut NX prices in half.
Also, at the cost of 30k NX, you can move your character from a deleted world to a new one. ;D
They’ll still loose a lot of business though, who would want to pay $30? That and, how many people really are able to spend $30 at once? For many of the poeple that I know $10 is usually the max that they are able to get at once. And many more still indulge in Bellocan’s NX Black Market.
Oooh, Black Market you say?
And the just raised the price to 50k NX to save your character. >D
Dang it, Ganzicus. Your last message screwed up my MSN and now I have to reinstall it. -.-
Ahh, false alarm. But I was about to reinstall it, ya hoodlum.
Ooooooooooo gratz on 37!
You can make money in other ways o____o
Andandand, gratz on the Pink Adventurer Cape! I suggest you keep it
And I’ll donate mesos to you. . .when I can
Surely you’ve heard of the NX Black Market!
You can usually witness it just by going to the FM. Players selling NX codes for mesos. A lot of it is scams I hear though
I bet that if the hacking situation was more under control in those servers, they would be more used.