A one nice day.

Today was a good day in maple, i was lvl 71 and i could play around with chakra and assaulter..wewt whee!

i got few free fames today, first, my friend famed me for fun

also, in henesys, some guy (6x dit) asked wheres FOg, so i told him, and he famed me^^
that kind of ppl are rare these days..

also later today, i was by the Duey in henesys, sending items to mule,
some 3x magicianette famed me w/o reason

today we’re going to have a GPQ, its boring but its fun to work with guildmates
(im not sure tough if im going there)

i was so poor at the morning (9mill hence the 111mill lost in daggers and 30mill to int earring)
but i gathered all the money from mules and i have around 30mill now :S

One thought on “A one nice day.”

  1. oh, and my friend gave me 3 maple weapons, since he quitted his bandit and plays with my CB ;P

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