Assassins Pride Ep. 9

Amoria:Amorian Chapel:

DbladeD opened the huge wooden doors stepping into the chapel. There were rows of chairs on each side and in between was a path leading to the altar. There were five doors going into a different rooms. Bright lights were glimmering through the glass windows. Infront of DbladeD was a stone statue of the amorian goddess and next to her was the amorian god of war. The high preist was reading a bible of the amorian gods as he looked up once to see DbladeD walk in.

“Hello there traveler have you come to seek love or are you just here looking around?”

“I’m just here to think, thank you though” said DbladeD

DbladeD sat in the front row where he may see both of the goddess and the god.

Bosses mansion:labratory:

The techies were taking the potion in the lab and dividing it into containers for each of the elite members. Each container taken with care to not even spill onto the ground, it was a very serious matter, unless the boss will have the techies heads for not accomplishing their task.


Each elite member got up and headed to the lab. The techies alined them into a row and sat them down onto a chair, they then gave each member an oxygen mask then added an electrode to the back of their heads, pain killers were then given to each one of the members. A needle was then inserted to the arm of the members and connected to the needle was a tube that was connected to the containers that had the potion in them.

“Commence the potion process” said the techie

One of the techies started the process through the super computer and pulled a lever. The potion then flowed through the tubes and into the needle and was then injected into the veins. Each vein began to spur out and the eyes of each member started to twitch then soon enough their whole body started to twitch. after a few seconds each member fell unconscious with their veins still throbbing.

“Whats the status?” asked the techie

“Their still alive their hearts are still beating”

“Give them a shock wave that should wake them up”

The techie pressed a shock button sending a pulse of electricity into each of the members. Each member slowly woke up, every one of them filled with complete rage, the techies sent another shoch through the electrodes with full power, the members then slowly calmed down. The boss then walked in through the sliding door…

“Is everything okay in here?” asked the boss

“Of course, each elite has been given the potion”

“good, send them into armory room I want each of them to be ready for our next assault” said the boss

Amoria:armoian chapel:

The high preist walked to DbladeD to check up on him.

“Is everything okay here?” asked the high preist

“hmm…well, I’m in sort of a confusion here” said DbladeD

“Tell me what the matter is I can keep a secret”

“Well, you know the boss, he is taking over faster and faster and I’m in a loop of betrayal”

“Ah, yes, the boss can be a hand full he…”

Before the high preist can finish his sentence, there was a small scream from a young boy running through the door.

“Help! Its the boss hes come back his army is twice as big, they don’t even look human”

DbladeD clenched his fist. This was the last stand.

“Your full of rage and revenge, don’t make your sins haunt you but… if this is what you have to do then do it, don’t let me hold you back, may the gods be with you” said the high preist

DbladeD took a deep breath and glanced up at the gods. He turned around and unsheathed his sword, but before he can run outside he found two huge soldiers of the bosses army there with fist up.

“You’ve come for a fight the years have not been good to your face” remarked DbladeD

DbladeD threw a steely into each of the soldiers chest but had no affect. The soldiers took out the steely from their chest and dropped it to the ground with blood still on their chest they walked toward DbladeD, DbladeD thought quick and shot his grappling hook to the ceiling and then swung him self on to one of the soldiers back and stabbed them into the back of the neck and sliced toward the brain. The soldier then dropped to the ground.