The Marriage~

I guess first thing’s first; Jeremy and I got married on Maple a day or so ago(I’m just getting around to posting a blog about it.) It’s really been an amazing year. Yes, a year. We got together over a year ago, he’s actually the person who introduced me to Maple. So I suppose it’s only fitting. It’s safe to say that we were fairly decent friends before we decided to hook up. Hell, we’re already talking marriage and kids. It’s hard to think of myself as a wife and a mother, but I know that he’s the one. Anyways: on to the Mapleness!

One night he had mentioned that he had extra NX and that our crush rings were about to expire. I mentioned to him that we should get married and BOOM the next day he’d gone out and gotten some more NX and proposed, and then the day following we were both bored and decided to just get married. Now I’m not one for big sappy ‘i love yous’ and such, in fact my real life wedding will be very small, but nice and cheap. But it was a good time. And the party afterwards lasted..SO LONG.. Hours, in fact. So long that I got bored and left.. Well we ended up ‘honey mooning’ in Omega and doing quests and stuff like that. So that was it.. and it was great.

9 thoughts on “The Marriage~”

  1. Congratulations, hope you two have a good life together. . .being married till you’re old, living in a retirement home together. . .*reminds self not to get married*

  2. @Dest1: Aww. I can’t wait! That’s still a long while from now, we have a good 70 years before we’re THAT old, *plans on living a good long healthy life!* Besides, it’s not all that bad. ^_^

  3. Gratz on getting married! I hope you do live a long and healthy life, so that you will spend it on your husband!

  4. Gratz on getting married! I hope you do live a long and healthy life, so that you will spend it on your husband!

    EDIT:Woops did I saw on I meant with. XD


    You didn’t invite me to do wedding .

    I love weddings

    I remember all the times that I half crashed, spammed, and caused chaos.

    [And I’ve been decent enough to the MMOers who invited me to their weddings <3]

    And people vowing never to invite me again .

    Fun times <3

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