i droppped dat ring :3

Sooo I was engaged to donatelllo(chris) but not anymore. This is the thrid engagement of mine that has been broken; I’ve never been married.

I dont get it. Why do I always get stuck with the kids that quit? My second fiance on maple I loved a lot. I mean like all bf’s I’ve had before him I wasn’t really into. Alex(TechnoBeatz) was sooooo funny and pretty cute irl. But he was all like sick of maple by the time I met him. He didn’t sign on for a month, & by the time he was back I was already with Chris.

Chris says he’s grounded. He said “Dont break up with me please, I’ll be ungrounded in 3 weeks.” 5 weeks later, he’s not back. I am soo faithful when I think about it ahahahaha.

SOOOOOOO YEAH. tatsmcgee is single again. I shouldn’t even bother getting engaged anymore, it’s not as if I’ll actually get married & APQ & GET MY DAMN ONYX APPLES & AMORIAN RELAXER >

As for the breaking up relationship part, am I weird that I cant really think of maple people as more than friends? Like I have not really “fallen” for anyone on maple. Sure, I really loved Alex & Chris, but it’s not a “OMG I AM INNN love with you” kind of love.

But today I made a character to Khaini, to be with a boy that I might actually grow to LOOOVE. =X

12 thoughts on “i droppped dat ring :3”

  1. Ha Ha! Come to Kradia you will see a bunch of guys in FM sitting around and saying “B>GF MUST HAVE NX I PAY FOR WEDDING@@@@@@@@@@@”
    A girl comes up and says “ok”
    They leave.
    The next week, the guy’s back again.
    Where’s the wedding ring/wife? Nobody knows.

  2. Lmao, Ganache.

    I’ve never really cared for MS relationships, myself. I enjoy my single-ship. XD

  3. Yeah I used to, too. I just got into one recently and it’s turned into more than I was expecting.

    Drama ensues. ._.;;

  4. Please don’t use racial slurs.

    And you don’t HAVE to have a Maple relationship. Most lead to conflicts and go belly-up almost immediately, and by that I mean within a month.

  5. You don’t even act like you like that person.

    I shouldn’t even bother getting engaged anymore, it’s not as if I’ll actually get married & APQ & GET MY DAMN ONYX APPLES & AMORIAN RELAXER

    Welcome to MMOTales.

  6. My relationships usually ended with me standing over her corpse with a +3 Axe in my hand.
    I mean. . . they all had to move to Kansas.
    Yeaaahhhh. . .

    *cop walks by and sees Grimno*

    Grimno- “ZOMG! IT’S THE PO-PO!” *flees*
    Cop- “AFTER HIM!” ~more cops appear and chase after Grimno~
    Grimno- *shooting at them as the run, using a P-90* “YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE COPPERS!”
    Cop 2- “I”M HIT! *cough* Go on without meh. . .”
    Cop 3- “No man left behind!” *hefts Cop2 onto his shoulder*

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