My Side of a Maple Romance Story 5 (new)

I dont think my previous one was too good o_O;. I hope this one is a bit better. Remember, I write as a go.

My eyes were heavy. My stomach was in pain. I woke up. I needed to throw up. My stomach was doing summersaults.

Me [in thought]: Stupid guy. . . Note to self, never go to a party, epsecially with a guy you dont know. I could swear, if I ever see that guy again, I’ll kill him, unless of course– he’s already dead -_-.

I opened my eyes. The Hermit was sitting with his back faced to me. He seemed to be lost in thought. He was sitting in such a position that I could see his eyes, but not his full face. His eyes were blank, and wandering. I think I saw a tear coming out. The sickness in me went away for a while. I stared at him, still laying down. I realized I wasnt in the same house. This place was different.

Me [whispering]: Excuse me, Mister. . .

He turned around, but turned back around fast enough, so that I couldnt see his face. He wasnt replying, but I could tell he was listening.

Me: Thanks for what you did yesterday.
Hermit: Yesterday? I think you mean 2 weeks ago.
Me: 2 weeks?! Have I been unconscious for that long?!?!
Hermit: Yeah.
Me: Who brought me here?
Hermit: Me. . .
Me [wondering]: Why? Why’d you bring me here, and who are you?
Hermit: What else would you expect from me?
Me [confused]: What? If you wont tell me who you are, will you at least tell me where I am?
Hermit: You’re at my house.
Me: What did you mean when you said “What else would you expect from me?”
Hermit [hesitating]: Well. . .
Me: Please tell me. I really want to know. . .
Hermit: You sure you want to know? You might not want to, once you know who I am.

He then turned around and took of his Silver Identity. I stared in shock. It was no mistake. It was Chris! He was alive!!!

To Be Continued

This one was very predicatable. And besides, who would let my main char die, eh ;)?

15 thoughts on “My Side of a Maple Romance Story 5 (new)”


  2. What the hell is gonna kill him? Cryptonite? IMO he should still be dead to keep the story intresting.

    Rant aside: At least there won’t be anymore random events happening to LT. =P

  3. YOu know, If it weren’t for the “I think this was obvious part”
    It would be pretty easy to figure out that this was Will not Chris

  4. HE WILL DIE IN THE NEXT 600000000000 YEARS WHEN THE SUN EATS THE EARTH! “dramatic theme song”

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