I woke up. I looked out my window. It wasnt sunrise yet. I went to the bathroom and used a washcloth so wash my face with warm water. I stared out my window. I saw a shadow moving around. The shadow seemed to be a male. I saw a small blue point on the shadow’s arm. And by the shape, it looked like a Silver Identity and a set of Scorpio clothes. I wanted to see who it was. I wore my White Guilitan, Dark Moon light, and my shoes. I grabbed my wand from my bed side table and went outside. I had to walk, or the flash of my Teleport would give me away. I walked towards the mysterious shadow.
Me: Who are you, and what are you doing?
The shadow turned around. He was blocking his face with a viel. I saw a silver flash of light. He used Haste! He ran away. I tried getting to him. There were numerous flashes of blue light, and I realized I was catching up to the mysterious person. Suddenly he turned around and threw a Subi star at me. Surprisingly it missed. It just made me stop for a while. Suddenly my eyes decieved me. The one person, suddenly split into 2 peresons! Then four stars came at me. I was pinned to the wall, but no pain came to me. I glared at the people who threw the stars at me. I stared in shock. . . I rubbed my eyes, but the two people were gone.
I just was just pinned to the wall. I steadily yanked the stars out of my robe. They were slight tears which I could easily patch. I started heading for my house. Just then I heard a Mega Phone screaming “Party, all people invited!!! COME ON EVERYONE! FOOD, FUN, PARTYING!!!” I decided to check this “party”. I figured Henesys wasnt so peaceful after all. Parties at 1 in the morning. . .
???: Baby (hiccup) gimme (hiccup) a kisssssssssssszzzzzssss
Me: Wha?!
I could tell he was high or drunk– maybe both. I started walking away from this strange man. The man suddenly started grabbing me and made some stupid smooching faces. I started kicking, screaming and an attempted teleport. Nothing worked.
???: Hey sexxxxxyy. . . . pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease (hiccup) gimme a kissszzz!!!
Me: Heelp me!! Ugh. . . get off meeeee!! Get off–
There was a series of noises and screams. I opened my eyes to see what was happening. I felt a sudden sting. My cheek was cut. I felt the man’s grip loosen and I heard a “THUMP.” I watched all this in shock. One of the people (who i was chasing) used Haste, then Flash Jump. He launched a Lucky 7 using Steelys. A Steely skimmed my face and cut it slightly. The man lay there, dead. I stepped away and teleported toward the person who got the man off me.
Me: Thank you Mist-
Just then, the person Flash Jumped out of the house. When I went out to chase him (once again, but this time to thank him) he was gone. I stared into the night sky. I walked back to the party.
Man: Excuse me.
Me: Yes?
Man: Can i give you a drink?
Me: Sure. Thank you!
The man walked over to the punch bowl and accidentally knocked over a bag of chips.
Man: Oh no. . . Can you help me clean that up please? I’ll get us some drinks.
Me: Sure.
I said “Sure” with small thought. He was being nice about it, so I thought I’d just help him. I got up and poured the dirty chips in the trash. The man handed me a cup. We sat down on a couch. We talked a little while, and we drank a lot of punch. Suddenly my mind was slowing down. I wasnt thinking right. I put down my cup of punch on a table nearby. The man gave me a kiss on teh lips. And strangely I returned the kiss. I didnt know why. . . I just felt like it. We kept kissing and he eventualy started putting his arms around me. I felt a bit dizzy. I didnt realize until much later, that he spiked the punch. I passed out a little bit later, but I heard a conversation as I was about to pass out.
Man: N-n-n-othing!
? [anger]: TELL ME!! NOW!!!
Man: I spiked the punch and kissed and held her! Okay! I said it!
?: That all?. . .
Man: . . .
Man: N-n-o.
?: Then WHAT DID YOU DO???!!!!?!?!?
Man: I. . .
I didnt hear what he did to me, because heard the front door slam. After the SLAM! I heard the reset of teh conversation.
?: “Friendship”?!?! ” Our FRIENDSHIP”?! I dont even think I can call it that! I’m not even going to swear at you or scream at you anymore. That wouldnt be any fun. But this will. . .
I heard the WHOOSH! of a 2 Lucky 7s. That familiar sound of Chris’s attacks. . . I heard a scream, and a body fall to the floor. I heard a sound of Flash Jump. It was that Hermit again. He seemed to be watching out for me. I now felt sick. I gave a loud cough, and went into a painful sleep.
To Be Continued. . .
NOTE: Please (if you have already commented when this blog was pending) EDIT that comment instead of writing a new one. It’s gonna look like a messed up blog if it has all these irrelevant comments XD. ty. if you dont know how:
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+and also, the ??? who was harrasting LT isnt teh same ??? as the angry person. ok????
u are just testing right?
OMG. . . i think you made it worse.
Agrees with Pendragon,
lol X_x? how weird
Interesting one o_O
Not bad though, Good job and keep writing ^^
Mores please
I dont really like this one, :X
i didnt think many would. this one is a random one =X
It’s kind of out there, but I know you’ll create something good to fix this minor ‘mishap’.
I still wanna marry you JesusFreak i have a shrine of you!
Chris? It’s ok, no need to be scared. I am scared on your behalf.
Well, I’m scared on your behalf too
Anyway, good story
man thats not right! if 2 of you are on my beHALF, two halves = 1. that means there’s nothing else for me to be scared of XD. lolz. and that is scary dude o__o. im a m-a-l-e. . , .MAAAAAALE. . . say it MAAA-LLEE, and im not g-a-y. GAAAAAAAAY. -____- get the picture?
sad i really yhope he wont die
That’s why I don’t plan on writing a story. =P