Hi Everyone. Happy Independence day :D. Well, I want to thank IndigoLove for giving me some stuff to start off my new Khaini Mage. After 3 days of playing (not 24 hrs a day) I got up to lvl 21 . ReRunVanPelt has had many questions of “Are you Dutch?” [VanPelt is usually a Dutch last name]. No, I am Asian. Haha. ReRunVanPelt is just a character of those Charlie Brown Comics (aka Peanuts). For those of you who know, it is Linus and Lucy’s little bother ^.^;; For those of you who dont– eh. . . Moving on~ My Aunt gave me 10k NX and I spent 7k of it already o_o. I bought 12 fireworks, Kerning VIP hair coupon, and a Rage Face. I’ll post some screenies later because I dont have any on this computer =X. I met some other people who called me noob, including a lvl 2X person. While I, myself was 2X -.-; I met some nice people here and there, but Khaini is SO EMPTY– yet Bera is TOO FULL. I tried my luck buying a Panlid for 100k [which I could find easily in Bera], what did I get? “250k, take it or leave it.” *sigh*. Prices change and etc when i move to a new server. Why did I ever leave Bera ;_;? It was over populated. Why did I got to Khaini? I dont have the slightest clue. Any of you who want to add me to buddy, go ahead.
w00t, i added you o_0, you seriously bought pan lid for 250k? You got ripped-off, i couldve given one of mine for free o_0
*btw* There are hacker everywhere in khaini, no one usually treats people who are new to khaini nicely and if your over level 15 you’ll get 20 trade requests while walking through henesys ch. 1
=] Sounds great. I should make a character in Khaini myself.
Yay NX! Oh, how I long for some =[ Oh well, guys with NX are sexy! >=3
Do you still need a panlid? I’ll sell you a 12 def one for 200k, =)
Change to Windia
muahaha, Jf come to windia, me and yomamma can train u and u can join my guild.
~windian 4ever
Well, I tried drop trading to my newbie because I had 0 mesos, so no safe transfering. I lost 11 def. panlid, Korean Fan, level 10-25 thief clothes, and about 3000 potions. ;__;
drop trade? omgosh, poor you
lol, the peanuts gang rules =)
Yeah go to Windia. Khaini kind of, sucks, if you know what I mean. Unless you get there early.
Yes come to windia ill add u too xD
LOL. Bera’s cool. It being too full is true. But woulod you really wanna make a WHOLE new character,
and yes, some people in khaini are just rip offs,
i remeber goin to find my panlid and once iquit hunting for it i went to the dungean and killed a few
greeen mushs before i went tto sleepy woods and once i killed the last mush before i went to the town
it droped a panlid T.T
0.o weird huh?
JF, go to broa, it’s not too full, yet it’s not so empty, its perfect! 1/3 of the people there are cruel though. The rest are nice and well natured.
If you do come to broa, tell me! I’ll help you become one of the best :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Sounds like you had a nice time in khaini though
Yes, WingedBunny, i wanna get to know you. We’re all maple writers.
And we both play broa.
go to windia its perfect XD too bad i cant log on to maple anymore T.T
~windia for life, i would be playing but my maplestory wont load