Baka is ‘idiot’ in Japanese and I prefer that term because it soudns nice O=).
Playing MS
I have returned from playing MS to meet bakas all around.
1) Botter that doesnt know what botting means.
Some idiot is botting in the slime tree and is ksing me without knowing it. When he comes back and sees me loot his items, he just goes “what you b**ch! Those were MY items! Effin No0b!!!” I tell him to stop botting like a lazy bum. He goes “H4ha y()u dont kn0 wh4t b077ing m3anz!! It’s a program!! IM PUT A THING ON COMPUTER KEYYY YOU NOOB” And I tell him botting is either simply putting a weight on the key (that isnt your finger) or a program. He laughs at me like I jsut said the most ridiculous thing on earth. He calls his lvl 12 ‘bandit’ friend. He’s lvl 21 botting in slime tree [im lvl 25 mage] and he says “im going to call my bandit friend here! he is going to ks you!!” and he ends up being lvl 12 with a fruit knife -_-. In case you are wondering why Im in slimetree– im training my friend who recently started in Khaini. I ended up KSing the heck outta em and they cc. I continued following them and ks them and they jsut scream “stop stalking me you b**ch-e nub!!” and i just laugh and ks them for another 5 min and they both log off.
Stupid People attracted to Chibis
I just go into the mushroom tree.
girl: hey cuty
me *f6*: me?
girl: yes *f3 on my char*
me: no. . .
girl: can we go out please :3
me: hell no.
girl: you’re kyoote and im right.
me: One, im not cute– two, I wouldnt want to go out with you anyways because you are annoying -_-.
She starts cussing at me and saying how it’s “my loss” and all that crap. She defames me and tries to buddy me (wth?). I deny the buddy but she doesnt notice. *sigh* this gaming community is horrible x.x
Baka begginers
Some lvl 15 sees my lvl 40 wiz crossing through Henesys.
Baka: traine plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Me: NO
He defames me and says how i have no social life. -_-;; I tell me I have more of a life than he does and when he attempts to train hiiimself, I ks him to make him shut up.
One day in henesys, a lvl 9 asks to party my friend and that the lvl 9 will pay 3k to lvl him up. He simply says yes and lvls the person up. He runs to perion, becomes a warrior and leaves my friend without the 3k. My friend shook it off as a mistake and then he gets a whisper:
*whisper*: NOOB!! AHAHAHAHHA you lvld me and i didnt pay y00h!! you gullible b@st@r|>!!
My friend got angry and called me over. We (my friend, my guild) mass defamed him to -15 [dont make me feel guilty >=(] and he begged us to stop. So eventually he gave us the money.
lol thats funny (unless it isnt supposed to, o_O)
LOL what a funny expierence 2bad i cnt play over summer
Very true on how these things happen. Somewhat shameful too. People think they’re so pro and whatnot because they hack/bot. But they’re not, because they’re truthfully n00bs. Pure n00bs. If you don’t have the pride to play MS the legit way, then don’t play at all, yes?
There are many bad people on maplestory; however, there are also good people. You just have to take the time to find them, and, until then, avoid letting idiots ruin the game for you.
Yay for defaming~~~
Good job on the defaming ^^, it’s a very addictive thing to do Q_Q. I’m just wondering, what does chibi mean?
luckily for me, i never meet these kinds of people,
chibi is kinda of a style of how someone draws things (kinda midget form with big heads x.x)
dis is complete crud
Hm? Actually, i was just quoting a comment from one of my previous blogs, obviously it was from you =) I didn’t read this, so I don’t really think it’s complete crud. No offense intended.
If I met an idiot on maple (which I frequently do) I just copy what they say, and act really dumb. Ex: Idiot: HAHAHAHAHa yous is no0b!1oneone
Me: Wasanoob?
Biolizard ~ If you do that they’ll really think your a idiot and will probably just say more offending things. . .But then again if it seems like it helps you could stick with it, I’m just saying my opinion about it.
It seems like you like to KS players that you don’t like a lot Jesus , But then again I do that too xD
Btw Very true
I completely agree with you, my friend. There are actually many ways to get good people. First off, don’t KS or do any sinister things. Instead, just help others. Honestly, this DOES help. Like my N00bishFlayd character who’s an Islander Beginner, he offers to help many many newbies and whatnot. Even a simple smile will get people to like you maybe! He’s level 20, only eight days old, and he ALREADY has a full buddy list! Try to start a character, and try to socialize sometimes if you can if they start up a conversation. Do something that’ll get people’s attention! If you have an item you don’t need, just give it to them for free, and maybe stalk them a little. That’ll get you to become GREAT friends together!
Then again, this is just my advice on Maple Island, but if you want friends, try to get some friends on Maple Island! That’ll get you a good start! Maybe later on, you can start a chain of friends, considering your friend might ask their friend to buddy you!
It seems like you like to KS players that you don’t like a lot Jesus , But then again I do that too xD
Btw Very true”
i am a hypocrite o.0;; i jsut like revenge sometimes x.x
Lol. i do hate the “bakas” who bot. I also hate those girls who try to flirt and have internet s3x. its stupid. this shows they so ugly they can’t get a guy in real life and have to date online. -_-. I hate the beggers because how the fck u think we got this high? By begging for training, no we worked our ass off by playing. also about that liar, why the hell would be whisper to ur friend saying i didn’t pay haha noob. that’s just stupid cause tthen ur friend got his name and can track him down. “bakas” these days. its not even funny,