RuneScape Monthly Issue #1

Lol havin’ some fun

Runescape’s best male model! Issue numbero Uno!

Black is the new white

Take my advice

If you know what I mean.


White is so last fall, so now black is the new white

People all over the umm Japanese Servers

and uhh

Australian Servers are talking about it.

Lets go ask some customers.

Well,they didn’t go as we would like them to go, but that doesn’t mean it stinks!

No, buy it!

Or die11111!!111




Well, I got this thing and it was pretty, but there was also some stuff that was confusing also. It was very confusing for me. Runescape is hard.

So that’s why I wrote this poem

Runescape is a game

You dont have any fame

That makes it lame

Then I logged on

it was the same

It was also lame

so then I decided to tame

and get some fame

but there is no fame

that’s lame.


6 thoughts on “RuneScape Monthly Issue #1”

  1. O hell

    I think Ima finnaly play Runescape.

    Being a hypocrit to myself since I said I would never play such a game.

    I SHALL. . . .sooner or later :B

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