come try and hate on this

This is why I’m hot

This is why I’m hot

This is why

This is why

This is why I’m hot

This is why I’m hot

This is why I’m hot

This is why

This is why

This is why I’m hot

if u read this far, i know u already read my other flyff sucks, maple sucks posts, and u just back fo some mo hatin, and dont worry, i dont disappoint, cuz u know u want to be me.

im that guy who has more money than u, real life and games, and the game money i dont even have to work for i just buy it

how many of you have spent money on something that u will never use

well that is what i did w/ maple, after 5 hours of playing, i go buy 100k Nx to use on gacha

first ticket, bam brown work gloves, thirtieth ticket, 2 atk pink cape
now i have over 30$ of nx uncharged that i am going to throw away

and since maple borded the hell out of me, i am going to give my mesos to some luck, random noob, or if u would stoop low enough id like u to beg

And to settle the question of my intelligence, just look at the pic, and try the test for yourself,
and honest, swear to god (and yes someone who is this much of an @$$ can still be a good christian) i did this test in under 15 minutes and no calculator (other than my head) at the age of 13.
and in other news, flyff wuz uninstalled from my computer today, downloaded kartrider, kartrider Fl_lCKS THE WORLD

15 thoughts on “come try and hate on this”

  1. Haha, nice one. Must have been your seventh or eight try, right?

    For the “blog” itself, captialization and punctualization is your friend. From the looks of it, that is the least of your worries, though.

  2. There’s a blog here? I don’t see it. All I see is the endless babble of someone who wants to be appreciated. Huh.

  3. Erk said: “There’s a blog here? I don’t see it. All I see is the endless babble of someone who wants to be appreciated. Huh.”

    Don’t forget the redundancy of dividers. xO


  4. Well, you seem to be awfully smart. Is that why you had to get those lyrics off some website? I definitely know that you didn’t type that.

  5. You? Hot? Well, maybe you have a cheap computer with no fan?
    None of us need your money. It’s like tainted dog waste.
    “bam brown work gloves”? Not a real item. Plain Brown Work Gloves are.
    Borded the hell outta me”? Now I know that’s not your actual IQ.
    luck, random noob”? Horrid grammar.

    Do you even know how to turn a calculator on?

    Your Actual IQ: “Please Standby, while we add a level under Candy Wrapper”

    You Phail.

    -Moon Bear of Black and White

  6. Just what the heck are you making a vain attempt at proving?
    That, from your chauvinistic point of view, you’re somehow better than the rest of us?
    That you have money that you can blow on stuff you hate? (, Wonder how his mother’s going to react to that charge on her credit card.)
    That you want people to pander to your ego, by begging for things you apparently label ‘waste?’
    That you use the same semi-selfaware profanity as a 7th grader trying to appear ‘tough’ in Home Economics class?
    That you actually have no better use of your time than to insult yourself on a public site?
    Please. As I’ve said before to a certain nuisance, if you come here just to insult or to flame others, you should really consider getting a new personality.

  7. Aurida said: “Just what the heck are you making a vain attempt at proving?
    That, from your chauvinistic point of view, you’re somehow better than the rest of us?
    That you have money that you can blow on stuff you hate? (, Wonder how his mother’s going to react to that charge on her credit card.)
    That you want people to pander to your ego, by begging for things you apparently label ‘waste?’
    That you use the same semi-selfaware profanity as a 7th grader trying to appear ‘tough’ in Home Economics class?
    That you actually have no better use of your time than to insult yourself on a public site?
    Please. As I’ve said before to a certain nuisance, if you come here just to insult or to flame others, you should really consider getting a new personality.”

    Nicely put.

    Thanks =]

  8. After reading about 5 lines I decided you’re not worth my time. I’m too tired to even read the comments, and I’m sure they’ve addressed your pathtic qualities. Go back to looking for Solitaire hacks and stop wasting the time of these good people.

    Edit: Actually, I will go back and read it. ~reads the rest of the blog~ Ok, so you’re 13 and have atleast $100 to spend on a game you just started. Either you’re just a flat out lier, a theif, or a spoild rotton child. Any way you cut it, you fail at life and will die alone. As for the test, if you didn’t know, you can make your own. Also, as proven countless times by smarter people, screenshots are very easy to alter and rewrite. Add onto that the fact that you can take most tests over and over, it wouldn’t be hard for a monkey to write down the right answers, or, god forbid, you lied again and just looked up the answers and were stupid enough to still miss one. Not even going to start on your spelling, grammer, and diction (look it up, dork).

    Yes, you’re hot, now do you know why we don’t play with matches?

    /end rant
    ~gives Lunar and Aurida cookies and starts humming Jack*ss~
    Oh and by the way, max is 99th percentile, so either you did a bad edit or the test maker was just a dumb.

  9. I think he was saying:

    “This is why I’m not

    This is why I’m not

    This is why

    This is why

    This is why I’m not

    This is why I’m not

    This is why I’m not

    This is why

    This is why

    This is why I’m not”

    Well, of course you’re not.

  10. *Sighs Contently*
    I love insulting and further degrading idiots like this.
    Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

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