Lover’s Melody

(comments and rates appreciated)

As I helped her onto a bench she laid resting. She leaned on me as she whispered some things I couldn’t hear.
“Well well well,” Xabu said stabbing his scimitar in the ground. “I leave you for one second and you’re flirting with someone.”
I bushed. “Uh-Well-You see-“
“Don’t worry, I can tell you saved her. She looks pretty beat up. What’s her name?” He said kneeling down to her.
“It’s Jeanine.” As I said her name her blue eyes looked to me. Xabu smiled as I looked to him.
“What are you smiling about?” He pointed to her as I turned to her and saw her lips an inch away from mine. I blushed a hot red. Xabu couldn’t help laughing as he slapped down on his knee almost crying.
“Ve-Ry-Funny!” I said as she looked to me.
“Umm…Excuse me…What’s your name?”
“Oh, it’s Hekogi.” I said stretching my arm over my head.
“He…Ko..Gi..” She said as her eyes closed softly.
‘Oh man is she cute!!!!’ I said thinking to myself and blushing. I looked to her as she looked at me clueless.
“Uhh…You can stay like that if you..want..” I said looking away. She noticed that she was on my chest and backed away fixing her hair.
“I’m sorry for causing so much trouble. I was living off of pqs until I got promoted to cleric. I get tired just by casting a heal spell.”
I thought to myself. When I jumped up I looked to her clenching my fist. “Well c’mon! There’s no way you’re get to a higher level by sitting there. What’s your level?”
“Umm 32.”
“Sweet, I’m 40. We can hunt together!”
She blushed bear-hugging me. “Oh you don’t know how much this means to me- thank you-thank you-thank you!”
“Jean it’s okay- Really you don’t have to hug me- I’m serious- Really you don’t have to!”
Xabu was rolling on the floor laughing as he saw me blush. I looked to Jeanine as she looked into my eyes.
“You’re really sweet.” She said playing with my hair under my pilfer as I began nuzzling with her. She laughed a bit as she blushed lightly as well.
“Now let’s get to training!”
“Right!” she said as she followed me run towards Sleepywood.

When we got there she began trembling.I looked to her as she tugged on my shirt. “I…Have bad experiences here.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here and I won’t let anything hurt you!” I said playing around with my fan. She smiled slightly.
“Why do I feel safer with you than anyone I know?” She asked as I looked to her blushing.
“Erm….” Xabu had left towards Henesys looking for something. I looked into the cave. “Come on let’s move.” I said.
After getting half way through the tunnel she fell to her knees. I ran to her asking her if she was alright.
“I’m just a bit tired.” She said brushing her bangs away from her forehead.
“If you want..I can give you a ride on my back.” I said smiling.
“You sure I’m not too heavy?” She asks timidly.
“No problem come on I bet your as light as a feather!”

She got up getting on my back as I jump from rock to rock. “So, what are we going to fight.”
“There’s something in this cave called the zombie mushmom.”
“But that’s dangerous! I can’t handle that!”
“Come on, I believe in you, I trust in you.”
“But we only just met.”
“Well,” I stopped. “I feel as though I’ve…Known you forever.” She blushes as I continue to run into the cave’s caverns.
Finally heading towards some skulls she shrieks in terror.
“What’s the matter?”
“Ehhh!” She panicks.
“Don’t worry.” I said smashing on with my foot. “There as dead as a doorknob.”
“Eep!” She muttered hanging onto me tighter. Actually, I really didn’t mind as I telelported jumping from pillar to pillar up to the zombie mushmom’s grave. We were just in time-It had just summoned and was jumping around.
“We’re gonna kill that?!” She yells.
“Yeah. don’t worry let’s go.” I said as she got off me. “Remember, I’m counting on you to heal me.” I said looking and smiling to her. She blushes with a tear in her eye.
“I won’t let you down!”
“That’s what I wanna hear-Alright,” I said folding my fan out. “Let’s go!” I charged at the mushmom with my savage blows.
She healed time after time. I grinned at her from time to time at her as she stopped healing me.
I looked to her.
“What’s wrong?!” I yelled from afar.
“I ran out of MP!”
I fell hitting the ground glowing red. “Jeanine!” I yelled throwing a mana elixir to her.
She drinks it quickly as I jumped from the zombie mushmom. She gasps healing me closing her eyes and healing blindly.
“It’s no good!” I yelled. “I keep on missing!”
“Hekogi!” She yelled as I turned to the mushmom- It slamming me against the wall.
“Crap…This doesn’t look good…” I whispered. As the zombie mushmom charged at me for a final attack it disappeared. I looked around seeing a level 52 cleric.
“Frankie?” I asked.
“That’s GenesisF to you.” He winks to me grabbing the zombie mushmom spore.
“Can’t thank you enough man- Seriously, that was something I can’t thank you enough right Je-“
I looked to her as a strange light began glowing around her lifting her up in the air softly then placing her down.
“Hekogi…I leveled up 2 times!!”
“That’s great!” I said jumping towards her and swinging her around laughing. She blushes as I set her down.
“What percent were you before?”
“97…” She said quietly.
“I can’t thank you enough!” She says to me.
“Thanks to F-“I looked around not seeing the cleric anymore.
“Thanks to who?” I looked to her smiling.
“Let’s get outta here and see when you get your new stuff.”
She smiled. ” ‘Kay.”

~To be continued.

One thought on “Lover’s Melody”

  1. hmmm very nice Jayasha ^_^
    I liked the part where I kicked zombie mushmom’s butt

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