omg! maplestory helps pc hackers!

My dad just told me last night that Maplestory’s GG has a problem! Apparently, it leaves holes in Windows, holes that can be exploited by hackers. And apparently, Virus scanners and Firewalls can’t help with it! My suggestion, If you have an old dusty computer with nothing important on it that can run MS, use that computer. It’s better to be safe than sorry. And if you dont, dont go flying! If you love ms, dont worry about it. But beware the parents. If MS mucks your comp, it’s probobly “dun dun dun….”

3 thoughts on “omg! maplestory helps pc hackers!”

  1. ?. . . That’s not true, I ran 8 and 1/2 (The half worked but it never finished) tests on GG and all of them said it runs to perfection.

    Your dad is probably scaring you so that you won’t play MS.

  2. he he he, no ownder my pc’s gone slower, oh well, idc cus mom made me delete maplestory ><

  3. lol, why would he scare me? HE PLAYS MS WITH ME! HE HELPS FUND ME! WE HUNT TOGETHER! that would be stabbing himself in the back.

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