UnSociable ch.1.

It was long before the boat to Orbis came. It became so boring. “Edd what should we do?” Edd wasn’t listening; he was just staring at the sunset.

“Peaceful isn’t it?” I couldn’t get why people stared at the sunset. It was just strange to me. Just as that popped into my head the boast could be seen at a distance.” Only a few minuets now.” I kept staring at him. He was of the Assassin job. A higher level then me.

“It’s about time.” I got up and searched for my ticket. The boasts siren could be heard as it loaded on to the dock. A lot of people got off. It was possibly a party going around killing bosses. I could see that one of them had a new zakum helmet.

“Shae! Hurry up!” Edd called out to me. I wasn’t paying attention to the usher calling for tickets.

“Coming.” I ran up to the usher to give her my ticket.

“Enjoy your trip.”

To be continued

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