they call me RAY

hi guys! i’m new to MMO. my name’s Ray and i have some great ideas.

okay, i want to start writing fanfic like many of the great writers on mmo (silverfx, mipsacri, etc.) and i believe i got experience. give me some good names from MMO that you think would be okay to use.

i need:
a guy–?
a girl–?
a jeolous girl–?
and random friends (girls and guys) are great too.

so just give me names of people on mmo. vote, nominate, whatever, do what you guys do best and i’d very much like to spin up a full fledged story. it’d be great if the guy and girl in question are okay with each other because i might make them a couple. i have somewhat of a rough outline, so im not sure yet.

ps. i’d maple blog as well.

go go go! give me names!

12 thoughts on “they call me RAY”

  1. hiiiiii ray, i’m new too. welcome to mmo.

    i’d like to nominate waffle and Ninja for your story. i like them! 😀

  2. WOOOT! Welcome Ray to MMO enjoy your stay along with me Lol. Pick The Ninja, Waffle or Guruji and AliyalRoyal
    Enjoy MMO!

  3. h3ll0 r@y! z0mFg!
    /-”/0”/-‘0’0/ /0’0-/ ‘//0//’/0/ /90 –[‘/-/// !
    Z0mGh222@@@@ man!
    sry bout the spam lol um i nominate all of the above, and i nominate strikerkill to be one of those JI’s in teh background moahahaha!
    um, bibi nice blog ray

  4. Hello, hello! Welcome to MMOTales :]
    You’ll like it here.

    It seems you’re pretty well aquainted with the site! Anyways, nice to meet you Ray :3 We hope to hear a lot from your blog.

    Anyways, I reccomend looking at this blog. It seems to be a recent list of who is currently the most popular users :]

    Good luck! We’ll be reading.

    (By the way, when you pick your two users, I would reccomend private messaging them for permission)

  5. I hate having to think of names. I want them to be simple but not boring. It’s tough. One solution is to make your characters not know their name, making them have a mysterious effect.

    On the other hand, welcome- I’m quite new myself.

  6. Use guruji and aliyahroyal! Guruji’s gonna be soo happy.
    And for the jealous girl. . .does anyone even have a soft spot for guruji?
    ~~Eh that was a bit mean, sorry.~~

  7. devilrymage said: “Use guruji and aliyahroyal! Guruji’s gonna be soo happy.
    And for the jealous girl. . .does anyone even have a soft spot for guruji?
    ~~Eh that was a bit mean, sorry.~~”

    who cares about guruji when youve got a sexy waffle right here!


    i need some more names. i need more GIRL suggestions actually.

    Standings so far: (‘I’ represents one tally)
    Waffle III
    Ninja II
    Gurujui II
    Aliyah II

    basically, waffle is getting lead role as male in my story so far with aliyah? unless that changes of course. and i need more girls to be friends and stuff!

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