Lazy Day Hunter. His Experiences.

You’d think a Lvl 67 Hunter, so close to Ranger would have something better to do. I logged on today to the usual Chit chat of the guild and the buddy list. Exchanged the hello’s and what not, reading the latest gossip unwillingly. A close friend of mine IRL, TechCaster, Called me over to Forest of Golem looking for a training buddy, only to be disappointed by the lack of training space. Seriously, Going through 19 channels looking for at least one platform for the two of us to share, and not one place is open. The boom of maple weapons doesn’t help the situation at all really. People looking for items and Gaining exp at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone I suppose.

( Of course i had a little luck of my own on a past date. Just wanted to show off )

I swear, I ask people their priorities and leveling is usually top, or higher than i think it should be. Come on people MMO. Massive Multi player Online. MULTI PLAYER. I know people grind to gain lvls but some of my friends are ridiculous. None stop grinding for hours. I couldn’t do that. I need to spend time with my friends at least 80% of the day. if they arent, i don’t go straight to leveling though… Just bum around Channel 1 Henesys .

And for those of your Curious folk, what are my Priorities you ask =o ?

1. Youri
2. Mina
3. Hanging out
4. Leveling
5. Trying to become a meso rich loser

Enough of my rants; After me and Tech’s hopelessly futile attempt at finding a channel, I bailed. Left him hanging. Literally hanging on one of the FoG ropes. Hah. I headed back to my home and favorite place in the whole wide maple world. Henesys xSayouri is my definition of perfect. The two of us found our favorite little nook in Henesys. I basically go there to talk about anything with her .


My fingers really hurt from playing guitar everyday, so playing maple story right after playing with no pick is silly and stupid.

End random insert.

Anyway, yeah, so Youri. She’s too nice… I swear she lacks the “mean” gene or something. Don’t quote me on that ” ‘Mean’ gene” thing. I don’t know if it exists. I’m sure it doesn’t. Anyway…Talked and talked and talked. blah blah blah. Love it

Oddly enough, when we were done talking, not many other people were on. When she had to leave it was like “nuuuuuuuu”. Believe it or not, I’m in the middle of this very day, writing this right now, since she left. I just wanted to use my MMOTALES account…My past blogs were really depressing but i got over them. And yeah, i deleted thems. Sorry people. Can’t stand reading things from when i was sad.

Anyway yeah…thats only phase One of my day. I might actually blog phase 2 tomorrow along with all of tomorrow. (sorry if that didn’t make much sense).

I have to admit. Blogging about maple story is fun…its different but definitely fun…

Look forward to seeing my random “Hoo Rahs” and other blogs here and there.

Happy Mapling.

From a son of Henesys. MrShinra.

5 thoughts on “Lazy Day Hunter. His Experiences.”

  1. Ouch. From hearing what you said about FoG, I’m never going there until the Maple event is over! Not that I’ll be able to play during that time anyways, so bleh.

  2. Rangerrrrrr.

    Rangers are SEXEH <3

    No worries about it, I think I took about one month plus to get from 67 to 70. Grinding is never fun without friends. ^^

  3. Grinding without friends are faster and boring . Grinding with friends are slower but it amkes me smile . =D

  4. KMS, gave us party hats last year. Oo” They are really cool dude. But no stats. =D I have like 2 maple hats, from 2 years go. oO” Totally off-topic.

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