
This one will be long.

And what reminded me to come here is this.
I’m mentioned in Max’s [EvilStrangers] little paragraaph.
It’s sorta creepy – the paragraph not Max..well.. maybee.

I left off on my other blog where?
Oh yes.
I just joined MS and I was in Lith Harbor when I crossed by 2 theives and I asked them what should I do. They asked me what job I wanted to be and I saw that one of them had a red starry bandana on and I pointed out that I wanted to wear THAT. And with that, they told me how to raise my stats and on to the training I went. Later on, Bobby signed back on and I had bumped into a really nice girl and her brother. It was TiraMage and I forgot the brother’s IGN, it was LyTheif or something but I found them a while back and they had given away their character so I have no way of reassuring myself that was him or not. x/ TiraMage never logged back in after she logged off that night either. Anyyyways, I saw her energy bolt and I said I wanted to do thaat. And me, her brother and Bobby and I went off to walk to Ellenia. She helped me buy all my stuffs, get my mage job – big mistake as you can see, and all. We started heading back to Heneseys when we remembered to buy my shoes. Oh well, they weren’t THAT important. And then the chaos began. She asked for my stats and she said oh no. Your DEX and STR aren’t suppose to be so high. So she helped me transfer things to a new character – ipwnmommies (which is you’ve read my other blogs didn’t turn out so well either.) and we said good bye since we both had to go. She never logged in again.

And one thing, during the duration of all this, she also told me that it was actually the character’s brother playing. And that he would buddy me on his main but he never did. There goes a great friendship.

And on to the now!

Mmkay. I’ve been grinding a lot recently, and I’ve gained 1 level to 83 and 41% :] That’s over 5million EXP.
xO Yarly.

FoG sucks for hermit since it’s only like.. 5%~10% an hour, yeah big range I know, it’s ’cause it depends on the people around you and how fast your spawn is.

Yesterday I helped my friend – KingRobin – to train and I got him 16% an hour at FoG at level 68. 8D Oh yaas. And I got pretty good EXP tooos. :33 Man. I miss being with my friends. Just. Having fun and stuffs. We talked about the most random things while we were training, sharing laughs, being friends and whatnot. I loved it. It was so fun. It reminded me of what MS was all about. Mmmhm.

And for all my readers, the ‘Tony’ issue is somewhat fixed]. We’re friends now, I won’t bother you guys with the details on how it all happened and why he was mad at me, I’d rather keep that inside. X: But yeah, he’s back now. It doesn’t feel the same. It feels like he is gone still. I miss having a best friend. He’s back. And it’s just. Gah. Jesus. MS isn’t suppose to be this hard, yunno? Oh well, I just thought I shouldn’t leave my ahh-doring fans hangin`. x]

I haven’t checked out KFT yet, even though I’ve been to the town, I lagged out so I gave up. xP I plan to go back when it’s deserted and do the quests – I heard the reward is good, nearly 400k EXP in total? xOO Oh-my~ I heard there’s some bosses there too – wanna check out those too.

So that’s about it. :]
I’ll try to update more often.
Love love love,

I’m trying to get my screenshot button to work, I envy all of you guys who can take screenshots.
I wanna keep my memories. x/ I wanna be ABLE to.
And once I get it working, expect many blogs + screenshots!

6 thoughts on “Yaybloggy.<3”

  1. I’m glad everything got worked out with Tony. . . good friends are the beeest ever. <3
    And KFT is awesomeness. ;oD

  2. I haven’t gone to KFT either. Then again, I haven’t been on MS long enough to get there.

  3. DD

    I just hate the library quests where you have to get the books, I got so many cheeses o_o;

  4. My screenshots didnt work at first . Or rather , it worked but I wouldnt find where all my screenies went to . Found it at last (:

  5. capnblanket said: “Yay for youuuuu.
    Viiiiisit KFT.
    It’s pretttty cool.


    Yah, they got the new Biscuit n’ Gravy bowl andÂ… wait a second! That’s KFC. D:

    You should still go there and support what the Colonel’s started.


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