
Maple Event is here along with the arrival of Double EXP/Drop days.

Since the event has started, I trained for the first week to level upto 85. n_n;;
I’m was still training at FoG ’cause of my crappy computer lags so bad at Death Teddies that I lose more EXP than I gainnn. D8> Afterwards, I headed to Ludi and trained on a Cake map <~~ of Terrace Hall and found a little over 10 Blue Presents and turned them in and most of them were cakes but I got 2 Maple White Bandanas and 1 Yellow Maple Bandanaa. It turns out the Blue Maple Bandana is worth almost 1.1bil in Windia. xOOO I know, that’s a LOT. My guild member, lttyBittyFro got one on his first try and sold it for half of what it was worth. >x 200mil and 7 Ilbiess. It’s still a lot imo even though he lost a lot compared to the 1.1BILLION MESARZZZ. DDDDx Anyhoos, at Cakes I also found a Maple Sword and Maple Doom Slingerrr. <33 X0StopSign0X [Terry] gave me a Maple Claaaw ’cause he had an extra onee. <3 Then I moved back to FoG to train to level 86 and I founddd Maple Wagner and another Maple Sword there. >w< Whee. My collection slowly greeew. <3 I went to Bubblings in my nublet I/L and found a Maple Dragon Axee. =333 And then the day before yesterdaay, during Double EXP, I went to Golems and I found a Maple Soul Searcher off a Blue Mushrooom. Then I moved to Skellies in Camp 3 in Perion and found 2 Maple Staffs and a Maple Impaler off of them, it was like.. omgwheehappydaaay! And then YESTERDAAAAY, I missed half of Double EXP ’cause I was out shoppinggg since I really need some T-shirts. >o> So yeah, I leveled yesterday, whee level 86! After I leveled, I went to Ludi and my friend Urhst showed me how to train on Vikings and mob bottom and such so I could do that 57k EXP per day quest for level +85 – too bad it’s only 1% >w>;; So yeah, that’s how my event is going.

How was your day? :o)

One thought on “Hello.”

  1. I didn’t play Maple but FlyFF ._. I found like 11 PD4, and some other stuff
    Yay for having a level 34 Party

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