New Guy

Hello, hello, hello. Anyways, I’m new here, can anyone discribe the site? I’ve been silently lurking, but so far I don’t really know enough. Also, can somebody show me around? Thanks a lot.

First edit:
Wow, that’s a lot of responses. Sorry for not knowing that blogs have to be longer. Second note: Read rules of MMOT. And thanks for the suggestions of other great writers to read. There are a lot of good writers on MMOT.

Also, is everyone on MMOT so active? (16x views) Just wondering.

Another thing: How do you add friends, and is the forum that useful?

Thanks a lot Any help is appreciated.

Second edit:
What’s an RSS feed do and what is it? No, I don’t have another website, just wondering.

Also, the rules say:

MMO Tales Help & FAQ said: “The frontpage is the nexus of From there you can find the latest auctions, comments, forum activity and poll. The top tabs (next to the logo) contain the most often-used functions. That is where you can access your MMOid (your characters), forum, your auctions and view all auctions.”

Frontpage is important it says, for Finding the latest autions, comments, forum activity and poll. The top… yada yada yada. Anyways, when has there been an auctioning thing on MMO Tales? Is it possible to start a poll? (I thought you could only post blogs and stuff). Again, thanks in advance.

To lengthen this blog, I ask how profil3 is related to MMO Tales. Should I make an account? About how many MMO Talers have made a profil3 account?

Note to self so I don’t forget: Wolfguy184, AznRiceFan, BlackNazgul. Don’t ask what it means. Also, add Ganzicus for being a comic mak-nvm you didn’t see that last part.

16 thoughts on “New Guy”

  1. Lol yay I feel special! Anyways, Welcome to MMOTales! I am The Nazgul, the resident fanfic writer. Watch out for teh fell beastie!

    -=The Nazgul=-

  2. Fenrir said: “The names you mentioned are awsm writers.


    Either that, or it’s the winners of the MMOTales beauty pageant.

  3. XD And they must be pretty ugly garden snails too.

    Describe this site? It’s crazy, the only consistent thing about it is its off-topicness, and um. Yeah. Your typical madhouse~

    Have a muffin! *throws one at you*

    And erm, if you want a good completed fanfic, looked up Indescane’s MMOid. Other good fanfic writers would include AxiomFable (but he hasn’t finished his awsm fanfics D:), and if you want good blogs, Iepiat and Scyne are good. ;D

    Welcome to MMOtales~

  4. Uhm, welcome to MMOT! I hope you enjoy your stay~

    However, blogs have to be longer than this and more than a paragraph. >< Sorry.

    Since it’s your first blog, I’ll let you slide, but make sure to be considerate of the rules in future blogs!


  5. SilverFx said: “XD And they must be pretty ugly garden snails too.

    Describe this site? It’s crazy, the only consistent thing about it is its off-topicness, and um. Yeah. Your typical madhouse~

    Have a muffin! *throws one at you*

    And erm, if you want a good completed fanfic, looked up Indescane’s MMOid. Other good fanfic writers would include AxiomFable (but he hasn’t finished his awsm fanfics D:), and if you want good blogs, Iepiat and Scyne are good. ;D

    Welcome to MMOtales~”


    Why did you throw me?

  6. Show you around?


    *points to blogs* These are the blogs.

    *points to forums* These are the forums.

    *points to ads that appear at the very top of blogs and forums* These are advertisements. Click them to earn 1 million mesos. That’s how Tiger got so powerful, so fast. Only once per day though. Don’t be greedy. Think of the poor, homeless Maplers with no money.

    *points to Mip* This is your mod. Obey her . . . Or she gonna whip yo’ arsicle!

    *points to Muffin* This is your food supply. Whenever your hungry, just take a bit out of him. He doesn’t care.

    *points to self* Laugh at my funny comments/statements/questions/puns/etc. or else . . . *brandishes ipod-breaker*

    Now that you’ve seen everything there is to see (no you didn’t), welcome to MMOTales – Where Insanity is Just the Beginning!

  7. This is DarkDragoon. . .
    Grade A Idiot
    I’m also a -coughlazycough- skill combo maker. . .
    I’m in vaca kay?
    -runs before people in line find me-

  8. FunnyFroggy said: “Show you around?


    *points to blogs* These are the blogs.

    *points to forums* These are the forums.

    *points to ads that appear at the very top of blogs and forums* These are advertisements. Click them to earn 1 million mesos. That’s how Tiger got so powerful, so fast. Only once per day though. Don’t be greedy. Think of the poor, homeless Maplers with no money.

    *points to Mip* This is your mod. Obey her . . . Or she gonna whip yo’ arsicle!

    *points to Muffin* This is your food supply. Whenever your hungry, just take a bit out of him. He doesn’t care.

    *points to self* Laugh at my funny comments/statements/questions/puns/etc. or else . . . *brandishes ipod-breaker*

    Now that you’ve seen everything there is to see (no you didn’t), welcome to MMOTales – Where Insanity is Just the Beginning!

    Lol, thanks to everyone’s comments. Keep’em coming! Also, does everyone on MMOT have a story or something? I live in a small, confined world lol. And is MasterCheeze a mod?

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