Ideas no story just ideas…


Hahaha i laughed while burning my toys outside my back yard
laughing hard and i know i couldnt stop until it started to rain.
I know i was bad and spoiled i even admitted it.I had a nasty smile
that no person would like as a friend.and i only had only 2 people i care very little for and it was
my mom and my dad who were always there for me.But i treated them like garbage
using them to buy toys and getting out of school.its was 6 o clock in the afternoon i usually sleep at 9.
looking at my dish of vegetables and 1 peice of meat made me angry, pissed, blaming my parents who did this.
I cant stand vegetables i cant stand this I stood up and smashed the plate into tiny little peices looking like glitter
My parents stared at me with disapointment and just look down like they lost hope but then i knew i had some control.COntrol that i can do whatever i wish.I knew my parents were sad and knew that i was a really hard kid to handle but i didnt care i didnt care I had POWER.and this power made me feel strong….
good intro or bad?

5 thoughts on “Ideas no story just ideas…”

  1. OMg i look forward to reading a story sayign exactl y not how to treat other peopl 😀

  2. is this a true story or just a story u made up?
    if it is a true story, i hate u

  3. lol its fake i get my ideas from my dream and posting it up i dont like to hide things cause im a very talkative person lol

  4. Bad intro, simply because of the grammar. And dude, you don’t have to write to others’ approval. Just write whatever you want! ^_^;
    But to get readers, grammar could be the key. >_>

  5. Rokuji is rite! Write with pleasure! Not for fame!
    Proof read! Proof read! proof read!
    Very realistic intro, spoiled kids, parents are lost. I have a feeling his “power” will lead him to slowly kill off his parents.

    – VanillaPocki –

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