the bird man chapter -1-

Once there was a guy called ”buzser” and he thought he was a bird. And of coures he lived in a big birdhouse.He had no friends……but one dayhe saw someone walking down the grass.

His name ”wasanimeman89” he thought that i looked funny.And all i said was ”tweet” and he was laughing his head off…and i look angry so i looked up to him and ”STOP THAT” and he was like’

‘woah dude settle down! man your mad…”.

then i was siting in my bird house SLEEPING! he said
i did not wake up i was just sleeping.He said
”well se ya tomorrow bird”

when he woke up he ruffled his ”feathers” and said ”chirp chirp”
then come along wasanimeman89 i said
”wat ya doin out here?

wasanimeman89 said ” well well well you woke up now….”

he took a axe out and…..
”wait!’ said bird boy
‘wa are you going to do chirp tweet?”

AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! says wasanimeman89 ”YOUR NOT A BIRD!!!!” not a bird?” says bird boy
NO YOUR NOT! says wasanimeman89
YOUR A PERSON AND YOU KNOW THAT!” says wasanimeman89 loudly


wats that noise?” says bird boy
dont ask me” says wasanimeman89

i dont know”
idont know……..

read chapter two to find out more! hope you liked it!=D

7 thoughts on “the bird man chapter -1-”

  1. omg, I was laughing the whole way!
    You know what would be MORE hilarious? If you had the ducky costume from the Cash Shop, I would LAUGH SO HARD XD

    – VanillaPocki –

  2. DUCK MAN TO THE RESCUE! (You could also you bannedstory for the duck suit and ideal looks)

  3. Wow. You gotta be really high to like this. o__O;;

    Daaa, don’t pay attention to my Like on this blog. I’m not smoking nothin’. O:

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