Birdman Returns…..

”i’ve got to help him” thought asanimeman89 so he jumped up and owned those block golems.
”are u okay?”
off they went to the town of ludi……..and finally birdman woke up
”FINALLY” screeched asanimeman89 ”where am i” bird man asked ”am i dead?”
”no your alive and safe” whispered asanimeman89 ”ok…”
then he fell asleep again….

when he woke up he was on some kind of beach
”w-w-where am i?” he thought
he heard noises coming from the bushes behind him he turned his head slowly and………no one was there..
so he got up and he saw a strange kind of banana he walked over to it picked it up then ”gulp” he swalloed it whole
”ahhhh that banana was good” then he felt strange..really strange…he…he……fell asleep again….

when he woke up a 3rd time he was in some kind of camp. He felt all weird…then a man came up to him and asked
”why are you here?” birdman introduced himself as birdman and he slept at that village for three days…

”hmmmm” birdman thought as he ate ”i wonder….” he started to feel angry like something bad has happened
one of the people of the village asked ”are you okay birdman?”
birdman yelled as loud as he could
”what is happening to me??”
he started to fly in the air then all of a sudden he had black….black armor black everything (exept for his skin) he jump from the air and stabbed a person right in the back. All the people in the village ran out of there as fast as they could
he took over a boat that they were getting away on and rowed back to victoria island. He was on flordia beach! as he rowed he saw something under the water…he rowed faster and faster untill he finally got to kerning. he thought ”what was that thing under the water? oh well atleast im at kerning” he walked untill he saw some wood
he would sleep there….
he would live there…
he would steal food…
as he thought of how to live he drifted off to sleep…

5 thoughts on “Birdman Returns…..”

  1. o_o

    Well, it’s okay, but there’s a looot of grammatical errors that you might want to fix.

  2. o-o
    Why do the characters have. . .NUMBERS in their Names?
    “Oh, Hello there. I’m Jeremy0563. Nice to meet you.”

  3. SouledOut said: “o-o
    Why do the characters have. . .NUMBERS in their Names?
    “Oh, Hello there. I’m Jeremy0563. Nice to meet you.”


  4. SouledOut said: “o-o
    Why do the characters have. . .NUMBERS in their Names?
    “Oh, Hello there. I’m Jeremy0563. Nice to meet you.”

    Exactly. And capitalize, punctuate correctly, etc etc and it will be a heckuva better read.

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