“Would be funny if it wasnt so pit

This is possibly the most fun day of FlyFF i’ve had yet. I logged on and added Indescane. We were planning to meet up soon anyway. We talked and I was training. I gained 2 levels up to 12. I found like 50 items, on account of the killer drop rate. We met in Flaris and had some more emoticon buttsecks


We then we’re about to train at Lawolfs when we met Iepiat who probably stalked us. We we’re joking around getting like 7 buffs and being pitiful in comparison to him. We ran to Lawolves to avenge myself. I was training when some Giant Lawlf came and buttwaped me. H@X.

I looked around for him with Iepiat and Indescane at my side. There he was in the valley, being bishy and pwning some noobs. He was a bully. I Hated him. I ran towards him gailiently swinging.


Dammit. Iepiat ressurected me. I was being stupid, so I ran at him again.



Then I heard from the sidelines: This would be funny if it wasn’t so pitiful
Iepiat then proceeded to harpwn him badly, knocking him back several times. I got ressed about halfway through the fight, and we gangbanged him. Hard.
He leaned over and died.
No drops.

Oh well, It was a fun day…

Oh, and the thing in the picture is what buttwaped me.

5 thoughts on ““Would be funny if it wasnt so pit”

  1. Gawd, this sounds more like a deranged porn article then a game.



  2. This blog is awesome xP, made me laugh a lot. Plus, FlyFF sounds awesome but people say it sucks when your at a high level.

  3. I have to admit that I was dying with laughter as I watched you run at the thing three times and die three times.

    Flyff buttsecks ftw! >O

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