How to be a Popular Writer

I decided to make a serious blog! D: Apologies for taking track off humor ^^;
But anyways. . . Alright, before anyone gets confused, this is what I’m trying to get at with the guide- to teach ya how to become a little bit more well known. Following this guide does not guarantee becoming a famous writer, poet, on MMO or otherwise. Heck, this doesn’t even guarantee success. These are just tips that I thought would help to make some more friends and a bit more views on your blogs.

Things to keep in mind

Have fun with this
You are not a professional MMOtales writer. You are simply writing these blogs for the heck of it. Don’t stress :3 If you don’t have fun from merely writing something, then you’re taking this too seriously.

Don’t change
Be yourself. If you’re changing how you act, who you are, how, why, or what you write just to appeal to the masses, then. . . Don’t! I’d be personally disappointed if you did, and once again, you’re taking this too seriously.
Trust me, it’s easier and more fun to write what YOU WANT rather than what some random kids want.

Don’t ask for attention
Don’t do anything rash to get attention. This guide is for getting POSITIVE attention, not negative. Following this guide will (hopefully) guide you to EARNING positive attention, while doing anything like ASKING for attention- be it begging, stalking, plagiarizing, flaming, et cetera, will result in NEGATIVE attention, which is of course bad.
DON’T DO IT! People who flame, are rude, make harsh comments, et cetera are NOT welcomed in MMOTales. Please think before you do something stupid.

About beggars
What about beggars?
It’s understood if you want your blog to be read, and a note here or there won’t help. However, don’t beg for things to be read. If you’re this desperate, once again, you are taking this too seriously, and I suggest you read on to more of the guide.
Think about it this way- In MS, when you deal with begging noobs. Sure, it’s okay to give a couple thousand mesos to someone who asks nicely, but. . . Well, society generally doesn’t like noobs who are obnoxious and feel that they will die without mesos.
Are you a begging noob when you post that forum complaining about how nobody’s read your stories?

Moving on

Stick out from the crowd
If you want to be noticed, then everything about you will have to be noticeable.

Your username
Your name will have to be pretty noticeable so that people will remember it. Plus, it will show that you’re a bit more original and creative than others.
Who are you more likely to remember? The writer named BananaDrool or the writer named aZnb0ii54XxX?
Also, make sure you don’t sound like an idiot with it. :3 Like, “did you check out the latest story by IAmHornyLOL?” >_>
Try to keep it simple as well. Remember, you want your readers and fans to remember your name.

[note] Also, try to keep it tasteful. Your username is going to be the first impression of who you are onto people. Just be yourself, and don’t be hateful. I sure wouldn’t click on any author named “IbombdJoo” or someone named “IndigoLive”

Don’t be shy
Everyone is crazy.
That’s all.
Don’t be afraid to say that thing that you’ve been hiding on your chest (and no, I don’t mean a bra) or burst into random song. Just keep it tasteful and refer to the rest of the guide.
But really, let us see your personality. Show us that you’re not like everyone else. Interject something from your heart in your comments, posts, blogs, stories, et cetera.
Stand out.

Make friends
“It’s not about what you know, but who you know” – Kare Kano
As sad as that comment is, it’s true. You can’t just post your blogs as a nobody, live like a hermit, and expect someone to give you a million dollars. You have to pay them their due as well.

Note : Don’t exploit people. Don’t manipulate people just to be their friends. Everyone on MMOTales is a good person, and I love everyone on here. Don’t just make friends for your social benefit. I know you’re a good person and will make a lot of true friends on here. Once again, refer to the “Things to keep in mind” section above.

Besides writing your own blogs, talking via Private Message, and interacting on Maple Story, your main form of communicating will be commenting on other stories. This is how you’ll start to build your reputation, but there are a couple “rules” to this if you want to be well liked. However, ArcImpulse1 has a wonderful guide on this, and can be found here for further reference.

Comment etiquette
If you want people to comment on your blogs, it’s only fair that you comment on theirs. However, there’s a certain way you should comment unless you want to look like an idiot or not be noticed at all.

Well, think about it this way. What is your ideal comment someone can give you? The good points, the bad points, an overall message, and a message from you as the commenter to make is what I would go for. (Again, refer to Arc’s guide in the link above)

-The good points : What else is there to say? Say what you like about it- from the idea to the story, to how well it flowed together.

–The bad points : Every author wants to be critiqued so that they can become better, but just keep in mind, there’s a line to draw. Keep these points in mind. – Would you feel okay if someone told me that?
-Am I being honest, or am I lying?
-Have I presented a way that the author can resolve this problem?
-Am I justified for my reactions and statements?

Remember, you’re allowed to dislike a blog or story. However, there’s a difference in disliking something and expressing that disliking. Be considerate. Don’t flame, and don’t be mean :]

–The overall message : What do you think of this blog as a whole? Talk about it, whether it be positive or negative.

– Leave a personal message : It’s always nice to personally connect with the blog, and the author will feel that you have actually read it if you leave this. It’s just something nice to do, and I’d always like to be friends with someone like that :]

Be justified in your comments
Explain why you have felt that certain way about someone’s blogs. Make sure you can give reasons to why you said such and such. Know you’re feelings so you can give backing to them. This note is important because you don’t want to seem like an idiot. Remember, you wanna be true to yourself! Don’t just say things. . . Just to say them. You’ll end up embarrassing yourself if you don’t know why you’re doing something.

Remember, these are your friends, so talk to them like friends :3 As attractive as robots are to me, I wouldn’t want to be friends with one (But I sure would like to ride one –wink wink- </pervert>)

Posting your blogs
Well, this is what being a friend will pay off to. Hopefully if you follow this guide, you can have a couple more views and approvals.

Make an attractive title
The title will be the first impression of your blog, and will decide whether someone clicks it or not in the first place. Remember, go for original, interesting, unique, mature, yet all still Maple Story related.
Be original and interesting. My tip : Don’t have the word “love” or “battle” in it- those are usually turn offs for me. Take a look through all of the blogs. Yeah, don’t use any of those 😛
Be unique. Make it stand out. Put something that you found symbolic in your story and put it up there. Make it (somewhat) random. Make your readers go “Huh?” and tempt them to click it.
However, still make it Maple Story related, and related to your story at that. If you have a blog that says “Purple Skies and Millionaires” and it’s the story of an octopus, then you’ll just end up looking for an idiot.

Have a unique theme
Well what makes your story so special? Did you wed another couple together, or did you have an almighty clash on mars? Try twisting the setting or theme a bit.

Make attractive characters
No, not necessarily by looks. Make your characters stick out, and make them have personality. Make sure that your readers remember that obnxious doctor that yelled orders around and made everything a total mess and once ruined the plans of the protagonist, instead of the faint memory of a cleric who was a bit sloppy.

Try having a running gag
Another thing that will make your stories memorable will be the use of a running gag- or a repetitive joke or trademark. Think Pokemon’s “Gotta Catch ’em all”, the insertion of Stan Lee in every Marvel Movie, et cetera.

Be grateful
When someone comments on your blogs, thank them! Be grateful! Give a little thanks, and don’t be an annoying brat that says “omg only lyk 1 person has likd it OMG i hate u all!!!1”
Put a thank you comment! Check out their blogs! Comment on their stories as well!

Maple Story is an MMO
Try to meet some people on the actual game Maple Story. Get to know them, BE THEIR FRIENDS!
Also, quite literally, I could sign onto each of my accounts and tell them about my latest MMO blog, and they would check it out. It has it’s advantages ;D

However, the greatest reward is always friendship <3

Make friends. That’s about the most fun part of being on MMOTales. I have all these new friends and it’s great to just hang with them.
Be a friend to them. Watch out for their latest blogs, return the favor. Let them know about yourself, and don’t be shy.

Well, that’s all I have to say. I know there are a lot of things that can be improved on in this blog, so please tell me what you think. This blog still needs to be edited, but I think we’re about to go shopping, so I’ll need to sign off soon x3

Heh, well good luck! Take care!

15 thoughts on “How to be a Popular Writer”

  1. But Indigo.
    Writing like a noob with no point is fun.
    And you get more views.
    OH OH, read my new series about the noobs and his gay shroom cuddlebuddy.
    Its gonna be fantastic.
    Well, About the guide, its quite informative, but I assume we willl still get more of these trash Fics every day.

  2. Hahaha, awesome.
    Thanks? 😛 I’ll check it out though XD

    I still have more to add, but i’m about to go shopping to get a new computer >w< I’ll edit it later~
    Thanks 😛

  3. Heh, lovely guide Indieh-chan. I’m quite glad you pointed out that you can’t manipulate people just to have friends for fame though. >_>

    Yes, it’s really good to add some personal notes to the bottom of your stories, and not something like ‘if u lyke this plz like, thx.’ even literately, this ain’t gonna go over too well in my book. In fact, if I like a story and at the bottom someone asks me to ‘like’ it if I enjoyed it, I won’t. Just because asking for likes in any situation is just rude. x:


  4. Haha. “Don’t be shy. Everyone is crazy, that’s all.”
    I liked that.

    I don’t really mind if my story doesn’t get popular, I’m not doing it for the comments and pageviews -_-; I’m doing it because I feel like it, and the plotbunnies will eat me if I don’t.

  5. my name stands out enough lol ^^. dang im tempted to take captain’s ms char ID (mrcurry)

    mMm i luv curry lol

  6. Wow great tips 😀 haha.

    Yeah, I still love my Maple Story husband. Actually we got back together XD haha. I really want to meet him, but whenever I bring up the topic, he changes it. And everyone tells me he’s actually a 50 year old rapist >_> meh. But I just think he’s shy XD anyway, thank you for your comment; it really made me see that it can go on <3

  7. Yeah great guide, my name is original, I don’t see any another MrSuave here. 😀

  8. I’ll keep that in mind! Lol those tips will help me in the near future lol.

    Ah but i’m a writer and i just want to write. I love the comments that people put because it motivates me to write more, knowing i have fans always excites me ^^

  9. Oh wow, I’m mentioned. I feel so loved. =D

    Another great guide, Indigo. You put some really relevant points in here, and I really like the explaination you gave for all of the points. Plus, it’s great that you covered more than just the writing portion of, well, writing. Also, the point you made about writing being a way to express yourself and not please the masses is so true.

    Keep up the awesome work. I <3 what I’ve seen so far. ^_^

  10. x3 Thanks again all of you.
    And of course Arc, I love your guide.

    I added a couple more paragraphs about Themes, Characters, and Running Gags :3

  11. YAY for indigo! I love your guide. lol “IAMHORNYLOL” that made me laugh out loud.
    And awwww you love all of us, It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

  12. oooh my guild has celebrities inside em and catch phrases too!
    *Warning*: it makes fun of em too so dont get mad and start flaming.

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