Thanksgiving. A time to give…thanks.

Or so I’ve heard.

I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, my geological position and mental stance don’t allow for it.

But as that is said, let me give my two cents, four cents, even number of small coinage etc. on this wondrous and glorious event.

Ahhh, hunting events. What would an event be without pros KSing the lower-levels, without I/L wizards spamming their moves in the newbie training areas, without the usual gamut of sins bounding left right and center…
Don’t answer that.

Where would we be, though, if we didn’t have the usual bunch of reporters, especially the MMOT based ones, speaking up (ranting) about their favourite aspects (things that they think Wizet/Nexon absolutely suck at) of any event (random killfest)? Certainly, the world would be a lot more boring. But for now, run for the hills. Indescane’s P-Oed. Why, you may ask? That’s about to be detailed shortly, in a post that shall most probably ramble on about nothing and everything and some extremely strange things to boot. See? It’s begun.

Let’s begin with Nairen, magician-newb extraordinaire. Ambling peacably down from Ellinia to Henesys to complete a quest, little Nai happened to notice a few weird creatures wandering the green grassy slopes of Ellinia forest. So, as is her wont, she killed one. It dropped some corn. Thrilled by this new discovery, she progressed onwards and killed another. This time, however, she had the misfortune to hit for 36 and was knockbacked by an errant tree stump that happened to wander by. This Torkey – oh, right, turkey. So turkey here, it starts jumping about and flapping, y’knowwhatI’msayin’? Then Nai, scrambling back up the platforms, gets hit by a move I shall hereby refer to as the Wannabe Inuyasha Move, or Wham O’Doom, which results in instant and painful death.

Oh. Yay.

Hell, let’s just call it “AARGH”.

Now bruised and angry, Nai rests up a bit before tottling back down to face down her mortal enemy. The aforesaid enemy is vanished within seconds, leaving Nai with a yellow object that looks like an overcrowded music box. Hey, it says it can be redeemed by Cody!

…what can’t these days? Honestly, it’s a wonder that man isn’t obese, since it’s obvious no one eats his much-hyped cooking except him. Why do you think the GMs all have food-related names? CODY’S COOKING HAS LEFT ‘EM LONGING FOR REAL FOOD, THAT’S WHY.

Anyhoo. So Nai makes her merry and short-cutted way to Henesys. On the Hill East, she is yelled at by a sin who shrieks something like, “GO AWAY NUUB!”
Nai just ignores him and walks on to Generic Chinese Storage Guy Of Henesys, then to Cody. However, the person behind the keyboard is now filled with seething RAGE, rendering this slight as ‘unforgettable and unforgivable’. Not really. She was just cranky because of the oncoming doom of French Exam.

So Nai stores some stuff and her player logs out to transfer the stuff. Logging on to Al, she finds that Al is not, as she believed, in Orbis. The stoopid ship ride did its job after all!

Suddenly, little clicky things run and whir in Indescane’s brain.
Al = in Ellinia.
Jerk assassin = near Henesys.
Ellinia = near Henesys.

Shortly after, the sin who yelled at Nai is swooped upon by a fizard with a Red Whip, Speed Pills and a particular intolerance for idiocy.
He flees within five minutes.
Job done, a self-satisfied Allamar continues to Henesys.

Back to Nairen: today, post-exam. After partying another girl and completing the pumpkin pie quest, Nai levels to sweet 16, bringing her Claw to 6 and Recovery to 9.

Observation 1: Spam “OHEMGEE-DOUBLE.U.TEE.EFF.BBQ.PIE!” as many times as you can, except chtspk style. It will grant you great satisfaction. Not only that, this is the only event in an entire year where you will be able to do that and not have people look at you funny and spam ‘lol noob’.

Anyway. After getting into the groove of killination, I find a nice spot (i.e. the raised platform on the first stage of the Hill) and mark it as ‘mine’, successfully defending it from a sin, a hunter, a crossbow-archer, a page-to-be and any number of other magicians, including a very high levelled I/L. Considering that most of these are at least ten levels higher than Nai, I’m not doing too badly.

Observation 2: I’m going to be known as that ‘[insert expletive of choice here] camper noob’. Why? Because of the tactic I adopted. What tactic? Locate turkey spawn spot. Stand next to turkey spawn spot. Place one finger on attack button. Have good reflexes. Now all your turkey are belong to Nai!

In addition to that, I obtained a Pilgrim Hat, too. Anyone in Bera want to swap for a Maplehontas?

…bet you Chief Stan so wants my Pilgrim Hat. He’s all liek, ‘JEALOUS GLARE!!1!ELEVENTY-ONE!’ at me just ‘cos I’m showing mine off. D:

The egg collection, however, took the pie. What I did was clean out my inventory as neatly as I could, leaving at best sixteen slots for egg-hunting. However, my beautiful eggifying spree was thwarted by the fact that I obtained a good few metal and jewel ores, and had to get pie ingredients too. The metals were foisted off to Inde, but the pie ingredients could not be done anything about. Therefore I kept them, and had the great pleasure of mocking everybody with the fact that I ended up with FOUR pies and they didn’t! I have pie! PIE I TELL YOU-


Pie is cool.

Observation 3: Nai is opinionated!

…is Chief Stan wearing a Split Skirt?! O___o

Moving onwards from that (very disturbing) thought. Anyway, after Nai had had her fun, I switched to Sheddy and employed…the exact same ‘[insert expletive of choice here] camper noob’ tactic.

The moment each turkey appeared I made turkeypaste. _(-_-*) SMACK’D. Like Kirby.

I’m such a bad, bad person. 8D

Mmkay, so that’s all teh blog-ish stuff. If you see Nairen in Bera, defame her (I’m collecting negative fame, cause it’s fun) or buy a pie off her. Cause you know you want to. FUND A DEBT-RIDDEN NEWB TODAY.

On the creative front, I may put the first chapter of Coda up this weekend; I’m seeing how it goes >>;; I know it’s been ages, but fourth term has been…weird. And busy. So my real and sincere apologies, but between projects, essays and writer’s block, nothing really has happened. D: So here’s a bribe! I wrote it a while ago; it’s intended for a sort of futuristic era, looking back on the ‘glory days’ of Maple…our present, one could say.

That Which We Lost
Wrappings and trappings and bloodstained gold
These are the things of which you’ve never been told.
A Werewolf’s claw and a Mushmom’s spore
Those were the glory days of old Maple yore!

Hear the golden song of the Hunter’s bow
The strong, sure flight of the iron arrows
The claw of the assassin, shadow-wreathed
The rasp of the Page’s sword, being unsheathed

The green of the Cleric, and the arrows of flame
The electric blue lightning, furious, untamed
The bandits, dagger-wielders, savage and fast
This was the story which we wanted to last.

The light of the Spearman, draconian blue
The red rage of the Fighter, focused and true
Now all this is past, and those times we mourn
For all the things that were and are now gone.

So…yep. Thanks for putting up with me. I’m not the best of people, I know.

10 thoughts on “Thanksgiving. A time to give…thanks.”

  1. Hehe. noob-sin pwned, check. Deso-awesomefulness, check.

    But waaait a minute. The poem. No ice?! WAAAII.

    Anyway, a song for thee. ‘Nai is Sixteen, going on Seventeen~’

  2. Indescane said: ” Then Nai, scrambling back up the platforms, gets hit by a move I shall hereby refer to as the Wannabe Inuyasha Move, or Wham O’Doom, which results in instant and painful death.”

    LOL omg thats funny. wannabe inuyasha move. I’ve never thought of it like that but so true.

  3. Oh my god. This is most likely the funniest blog I’ve ever read.
    I give it a pi/10. Pi is a lot you know, it never ends. Sadly my stomach does >(!
    Hahaha lame pun thinger ^^^.
    Anyway, I hope to join in the madness soon.
    I can’t wait ’til summer, no holidays, less ksing, and madness.
    Although I do enjoy a bit of chaos now and then, this is just silly.
    Silly. Silly. Silly.
    Heck yeah you don’t eat the turkey! YOU MURDERERS!
    Kthxbye, Faith.

  4. <3 your poem, Dez. =D I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS STUFF NOW! MAPLE, WORK FOR ME, DAMN YOU! *kicks computer* T________T I’m so saaaaaad. . .Ez is going to be stuck on 26 for a very, very long time. . .T__________T

  5. pi is 3.14159[insert random numbers that dont have a pattern] so thats actually a rather low score, a number that goes on forever in decimal places would actually be small *senses he should shut up now*

    Man i wish theyll celebrate Thanksgiving on MapleSEA. I want a Pilgrim Hat. And TURKEY!

    Hey! Be nice to sins! XD

    Moral of the day: Dont mess with Des.

  6. Hahahaha, this blog was so amusing. <3

    I lke reading joor blogs because they’re funny and stop me from being bored. C: yep.

    n 3n ilu.

  7. Uh, Silver, she mentioned lightning, which is quite effectively bundled in with ice. Note that poision wasn’t mentioned either. She’s paying homage to the TYPES of classes, not their abilities. :-p ^_^ *wins*

    Anyway, the Dezomaniac strikes again! Thoroughly awsome, sad to hear Nair died though. T-T BlastMage died a little while back as well, I was all like RAWR! >O Stupid mix golem mobs.

    Overall, nice to hear you’re alive over there still, and grats on the pwning of many noobs.

  8. Yay, camping!

    I’ve been camping out giants. -.- Don’t have time to take part in the new event on FlyFF.

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