Yknow, the usual; you liked? Feel free to tell me why. You hated? Feel free to tell me why. You love me and want to bear my children? Uh Ill get back to you on that one. >.> I heart all of you who have reviewed, commented and supported me. *throws cookies*
School is slowly re-consuming my life. Piece by slimy piece. So, as a kind of bribe Im going to be posting a few random pictures along the way. Today, Im posting the duo I can safely refer to as Team Maestro. These are the original sprites I had when I was in the character-developing stages, just as a visual reference, because Im a visual-ish person who cant draw for Esther Shields. <_< Oh yes. And a random doodle I did in class of Al. Its unrecognizable. I told you, I cant draw for Esther Shields. ;_;
To Silver: Your chapter is here. xD No need for the spade. Although you might want to get an axe to chop up this writers block.
To Indigo: Didja have a good holiday? Yes, I have met Colon. Shes not stupid. =P Oh, and you and Fire can be rivals for the position of Chief Cultist of the Way of Az.
To Fire: See above. XD And Im sure that if Az was given any sort of worship, hed lap it up. He might propose to you. Maybe hed even sign a few autographs
*backs away from the strip of rawhide-story-that-doesnt-smell* Um.
Ive just watched the first movie of Pirates of the Caribbean again and I think Az is a bit like Jack Sparrow. Savvy? And if you get bored waiting for me to update, scan my friendslist and read their stuff, because theyre all brilliant. =D
Yes, Im shameless and horrible. And this chapter ish crap.
i. Essy
What had I done to make Li so angry at me?
Saedas had warned me from the beginning that there was something really dangerous in me that wanted out. Finesse. I knew that I was asleep whenever she came out, and I always tended to see that as a kind of escape. At least I wouldnt really have to face that side of me. But I never imagined that shed be going after Az and Li. And it was the only real explanation, right? What else could I have done to have made her so
Oh, stop blubbering, Al said curtly, and as I shoved myself up, annoyed, I snapped, Im not
blubbering! She just rolled her eyes at me and walked out, leaving me to tag along, which made me even more annoyed. Finally, I drew up so I was walking beside her and managed in a small voice, Wheres Saedas?
In the clinic, Al replied, and turned a corner. I paused before realising she wasnt heading in the direction of the kitchens, and asked, Arent you going to the kitchens? I could-
I highly doubt you could do anything right now, replied Al acidly, and I ran up to her and grabbed her shoulder, catching the tray as it slipped out of her hands.
Dont be mean, I scolded. What do you mean? I can do everything you can do, and we both know it. She raised an eyebrow and I protested, Its true. Saedas taught me just as well as you.
Have you been his apprentice since you were nine years old? she asked, still keeping the eyebrow raised. Reluctantly, I shook my head. Are you so close to him you know exactly what a raised eyebrow or a hand movement can mean? She paused so she could enjoy my loss a bit more, then exclaimed, her voice all fake surprise, No, thats right! You havent. Her voice returned to normal as she yanked the tray out of my grip and gave me a cool smirk. So I think weve established that you cant do everything I can do. Now go find Saedas for whatever you want, and tell him Im going to be preparing the Eyedrops. Also, youve missed the point entirely. While we can both say that your capabilities are null, that wasnt the point of discussion.
What was, then? I demanded, grabbing the tray back to make her listen to me. She looked at it resignedly, like she was about to torch it, shrugged and replied dryly, Well, the fact that two of your oldest childhood friends are here should be quite distracting. Oh, yes. If I recall correctly
one is your ex-boyfriend? She began to walk off, probably to the potions store, and I yelled after her, What do you mean, ex-boyfriend?! Hes still-
Yes, yes, youve just had a fight and havent talked to each other in over two years, she called back over her shoulder, and all the sarcasm was seriously oozing off her voice. I can see a kiss and make up session in the nearby future. Oh, the fact that you tried to kill him might improve matters too. She stopped, and turned to face me side-on. Stop being such a naïve kid, Essy. The boy you pined and pined over is a man with his own agenda. Something tells me youre only on it in the kill list section. I stared after her blankly, not daring to believe her, as she turned back and continued walking.
Doesnt Az love me any more? He wouldnt have saved my life if he didnt love me, would he?
But that was three years ago
W-what do I d-do with the t-tray? I stuttered, but she was already opening the door to the potions store and I fell to my knees in the middle of the corridor. The tray fell out of my hands and the bowl rolled along the corridor for a bit.
A hand landed on my shoulder, and I gasped and looked up quickly, half-expecting it to be Az grinning at me, but it was just Saedas. His face was cool and emotionless, like usual, and I looked back down, fiddling with the wooden spoon.
Is something the matter, Essy? he asked softly, and I choked back a sob and wiped my eye on my sleeve. I liked Saedas, a lot, and couldnt understand why he put up with Al. He deserved a lot better than her. But it was hard for you to believe he actually cared when he never actually showed any emotion.
okay, I mumbled between sobs. Please, Im
dont worry
Im okay
He knelt down beside me, careful not to come up on my blind side. Having one eye made you feel really vulnerable sometimes, especially when people kept on the side you couldnt actually see with unless you turned. His Anakarune rustled slightly as he moved. I gave him a sort of watery smile, but he didnt look convinced, so I stopped and was trying to find something to blow my nose on before he handed me a handkerchief.
Azrael? he murmured, and that name just sent me into another sobbing fit. I guess that was enough answer for him. I was crying insanely, and I didnt really care if anyone saw me. He just sat next to me while I cried, occasionally handing me another handkerchief. When I had quieted down enough so that I was just occasionally sniffing, I felt him rising, but one hand still reassuringly on my shoulder.
We will be dining together tonight, he commented, and I rubbed at my eyes so I could look at him, confused. He didnt look at me, so I tried to see what he was focusing on. There didnt seem to be anything in particular, except for a window which was spilling late-afternoon light in pretty patterns across the floor. He had risen and was now walking over to it, even as I tried to see what interested him so much besides me.
I couldnt have mistaken those two from ages off. Az and Li, going hunting, probably. Li was shaking her Avarice at him and I couldnt help but smile. They were so much like siblings. Then it hit me, what he was saying, and I pressed a hand to my mouth.
Oh, I said blankly, unable to find anything else to say. He nodded at me, as though I had just solved some problem, and I nodded faintly. He turned to leave and I grabbed at him, which made him turn and look back.
Where are you-
There are yet patients to be tended to, Essy, he answered, face impassive, so I let him go and turned back to the window and watched Az walking out of sight.
There he is, there goes the traitorous son of a Pang. Youll get your chance tonight, Essy. There are so many dangerous things at a dinner table.
I nearly shrieked as I clapped my hand to my eyepatch, whimpering. No, no, no!
Yes, yes, yes, She mocked. Dont be soft! He took away three years of your life, waiting for him. He took away your aiming eye, and thats your ability to shoot straight, gone. He took away your love
You arent me, I whispered, shaking my head from side to side. Go away! Youre not me! You cant tell me what I have to do!
Im you all right, you pathetic moron,, She scoffed, and I rocked, shaken by the force of her hate and disgust. Think. What has he given you? Now Saedas-
No! I screamed, increasing the pressure on my face. I love Az! I love Az!
Delusional! Romantic! Well see how I love Az you can be when you kill him. Ill put you to sleep, right until the moment where you take an eye for an eye. And his little girlfriend, too. She made you angry. Itll be satisfying, seeing her scared, wont it?
Stop it, I moaned, scrabbling at the strings, my nails scratching my face. Please dont. I dont want them hurt, I dont
Liar, She said, her voice singsong. Stupid lying fool. Yes, yes. Thats right. First Ill let you watch me killing Az, then watch me killing Li, and you can kill Al yourself. I opened my mouth for some weak protests but she sliced over me, as vicious and angry and happy as a rabid Bain. Oh, dont think I havent heard the thoughts youve had about her. She doesnt deserve him. He could do better. Annoying Lycanthrope-natured- She paused delicately and I was sobbing again, this time in fear and fury. But she continued, her tone horribly gleeful, Well, well, no shortage of prey. Ill kill them all with your hands, Essy. Kill them all
with your hands.
ii. Interlude
He saw you, the fire wizard remarked to her master, placing a bunch of towels on the floor beside him. The redheaded Priest took his time in replying, helping wrap his last patient, a lost Rogue, in the towels and handing her a cup of the warming red bean soup. Then he got up, rubbing at his forehead wearily, as she glanced around the room. The majority of patients had departed to try and fit in a few hours of rushed hunting before the winter-lands early sunset.
Theres none left, Allamar said, as he sat down on a chair. You should take a rest, master. Pulling up another chair, she sat down beside him as her gaze swept over the remaining people in the hall.
Am I the Priest or are you? he asked, gesturing. She handed him an orange juice, smiling a smile that others who knew the wizard just as a casual acquaintance would have been surprised to note on her face. Li, for one. No one knows that better than myself, Allamar.
Then practise what you preach, she replied tartly, and he smiled back as he took it.
If only it were that easy, he murmured, lowering the now-empty bottle What did they say to the invitation? The wizards lips curled into a sort of derisive half-smile.
Azrael has told me to warn you not to try any funny business, she answered, her voice sing-song. Because he plans to disregard table manners and kill you if you should try anything. It applies to me, as well. The Priest turned his head so that a curtain of hair blocked her view of his face, but she knew he was smiling.
So, what say you? he murmured, rising to his feet. She followed suit.
I follow whatever you say, she ventured, and again, that silence hung in the air between them where he didnt speak, didnt seem to have even acknowledged what she had said. After ensuring the wounded had all been safely attended to, he led her out of the clinic area to the sitting-room where they spent the rest of their time, the hearthplace cold and silent. He inclined his head at it, and she set the dry wood ablaze with a controlled spell as he lowered himself into one of the significantly more comfortable chairs near it.
No, he answered, as she sat in the chair opposite, removing her slippers and folding her legs. What say you? I want to hear what you believe we should do.
What I think is unimportant, master, she answered, shrugging, and he gave her a measured look which she didnt meet. Instead, she stared into the fireplace, watching the flames. Finally, he broke the silence with a soft, Allamar
I dont have an opinion, she said blandly. Whatever you want me to do, Ill do.
I highly doubt that a magician as verbose as you could hold no opinion on this matter, he replied sardonically, and she couldnt help but let out a little laugh. Finally, she looked up at him, watching the firelight play across his pale face. The crystal lamp hanging from the ceiling could be lit with an incantation, but neither of them wanted to ruin this atmosphere with something artificial.
Fine, then, she remarked, shrugging. I think that Maestro is chasing shadows. This boy isnt going to be the one he wants. Her master appeared to consider this, steepling his fingers before him. Then he asked the loaded question.
Why? There were so many reasons that instantly bubbled to the surface. Finally, she replied, Azrael believes youre the mastermind behind all this.
Then I shall have to disillusion him over dinner, the Priest said, and she smiled. Her smile vanished when the next thought flickered to the front of her mind.
What is Maestro going to do then? she asked softly. He thinks he has the element of surprise as long as he keeps you as his scapegoat.
Believe me, he has already been angered enough over my apparent failure to kill them both, he answered darkly, and she tensed.
Did he visit? she asked, and he just looked at her. She knew the answer the moment their eyes met.
Son of a werewolf, she whispered harshly, and something flamed inside her. Not anger; she had long ago used up her store of anger. Something else.
Sit down. His voice cut across her emotions, sharp and cold like honed icicles. It was enough to bring her back to earth, and she inclined her head respectfully at him as she subsided. He continued, He did not hurt me, nor did he threaten me with violence. He simply warned me of his impatience.
Which is the same thing, she replied coolly. I hardly think Maestro would just come and leave quietly if he was feeling
Perhaps I taught you too well, he replied dryly, glancing across at her over his steepled fingers. She relaxed, marginally, as he rang a bell and one of the house servants appeared with wine, made from the eternally-fragrant blue violas of the Deep Forest of Patience. He was right. If Maestro had genuinely intended anything
Hardly, master, she said, leaning forward to pour it as the servant departed silently. Not everyone could be a warrior, or a thief, or a magician, or a bowman. Some never got a chance, others were just
unable. He had taught her not to pity them. A lesson she hardly needed.
When will you learn to call me Saedas, Allamar? he asked, interrupting her thoughts, and she just laughed in reply. He posed this question nearly every time they spoke. They both knew the answer. Neither of them bothered to say it. Then she sobered, sliding one of the glasses, filled with the cerulean wine, over to him. He picked it up and began to swirl it gently around, his eyes seemingly fixed on it as it caught the warm light of the fireplace, infusing it with a warm, almost ethereal transparency.
What will you be accomplishing with tonight? she questioned, picking up her own glass. He didnt look away from his drink, and so she continued, If Maestro visited, then you cant afford to just manipulate from the sidelines any more. The moment she finished speaking, he looked across at her sharply, and she knew she had mis-stepped. Lowering her head, she murmured, It was not my place, master.
It rarely is, he answered, a tinge of amusement in his voice, and she glanced up at him warily. He was smiling, or, at least, the corners of his lips were pointing upwards. At length, he added, Maestro has dictated which path I am to follow. But he has also forced my hand. A toast, Allamar. Almost mockingly, he raised his glass.
To whom? she asked, following suit.
She nodded when she heard the answer, and leaned across, letting the drinks clink gently together just in the air above the middle of the table.
iii. Az
It was dark when we returned to the house, soaked and covered with scraps of Leatty and Jr. Yeti fur, Jr. Pepe-coloured bruises, and the overwhelming smell of fish. My good mood couldnt even be ruined by Al, leaning on the doorframe while light and WARMTH spilled out. Warmth; that was something we were currently severely lacking. Also, Li needed a good hot bath. More than usual.
I see you had fun, she said glancing over us. You smell like a Lith Harbour wharf. Li started forward, probably with the full intention of strangling her, and the fire wizard actually stepped back, waving a hand in front of her face while I caught my savage Kitty-Li and restrained her from getting blood on my clothes.
Dear Grendel, I can smell you from here, observed the magician sarcastically. Please. Go inside and take a curse-forsaken bath. Clothes are provided. She was just about to walk off and be infuriating and magicianly somewhere else before Li interrupted her. I wondered if the one could exist without the other. Infuriating + Magicianly = Magician.
Magician Infuriating = Feasible?
What do you mean, clothes are provided? demanded Li-kins, taking a step forward. This time, the fire wizard held her ground against the advancing forces of Stink. I couldnt see how it made a difference, though. Okay, so maybe the kitty-Li didnt really smell that bad normally. Al was looking us over us carefully; I struck a dramatic pose for her benefit and she switched her gaze back to Li. Obviously the sheer awesomeness of me had been too awesome for her to look at any longer.
Well, you cant really expect to appear to dinner in that, she remarked. Oh, and if an uncultured pig like you was ever taught any etiquette, I suggest you rehash it now. With that, she turned and left, leaving us to slink in, or rather, I slunk while Li resisted violent arm spasms. A couple of random servants wrapped us in towels, which were fluffy. The towels, I mean. Not the servants. Wow, they had servants. Although I guess two people couldnt run a house like this all on their own. No
Er, sir? One of them was tentatively shuffling closer, and I looked around to see if they were referring to someone else, but Li was already getting ushered off. So I was a sir now. Well, it was an upgrade from sound-like-a-balrog-jabbed-in-the-butt. However, I was severely let down by his next mumble of, The bathrooms are this way. He was, very carefully and inconspicuously, waving a hand in front of his face, and I blinked at him. Surely we didnt smell that un-spiffy. I inhaled my sleeve and gagged; okay, so maybe we did. Oh, my violated nostrils. How was I ever going to attend wine-tastings again?
You look radiant, I observed to Li, as we stood outside the massive, closed double doors. She made a half-hearted effort to punch me in the nose, and failed due to my powers of spiff. The servants were giving us weird looks, so I leaned across and whispered theatrically, Theyre stunned by your radiant beauty.
No, theyre amazed that someone can be so idiotic, she snapped, and I shied in mock-hurt, to straighten by her side as the servants opened the doors for us and we walked in.
It felt kinda surreal, with all the shiny and stuff. In the centre of the shiny room was table with three people sitting at it. I nearly stopped dead when I was struck with the combination of the Priest, seated in place of honour at the head of the table, and the girl on his left side.
Placards were neatly placed upon the plate of each setting. Already I knew where I would be. Walking up to Essy, without a word, I picked up mine and switched it with hers so I would be next to the Priest instead, drew out the chair and smiled at her as she got up and reseated herself hesitantly. The patch was purple. This was my Essy. I gave her a gentlemanly smile and she gave me a happy one back, which made me twinge slightly inside. Li made a face, but didnt protest as she sat down next to the magician, who smirked at her.
I took the opportunity to survey my cutlery. Man, we Bandits didnt even go through this many knives in their lifetime. Lavender hair swung into my general field of vision, and Essy whispered, Start from the outside and work in. I looked up at her, and she winked at me, adding quickly under her breath, Dont worry. If you get it wrong, Saedas wont mind. Saedas. I met the hazel eyes over the table, his head casually resting on his interlaced hands.
Ill remember your name, Priest, I mouthed, willing him to hear my thoughts. Remember mine as I drag you down to Hell with me.
Without breaking the staring contest, he raised one hand and a bell rang somewhere. Within moments servants were carrying up a huge, steaming tureen, but I barely paid attention as they got about the whole business of serving.
Azrael, he said, seeming to taste the name, and my fists tightened by my sides. My concentration was broken by the clink of a soup-filled bowl in front of me, and I turned to see Essy, looking at me worriedly. I grinned at her a bit forcedly; she didnt seem to notice as she looked across at Saedas, which wrenched. He just nodded, and she began eating, with the typical Essy delicacy that made her so
The aperitif passed in silence before Essy finally broke the awkwardness with a little, Az? Could you please pass the salt?
Why, to be sure, my fair lady, I drawled. Catching the salt up in one hand, I juggled it awhile before sending it spinning, caught it upside-down behind my back and plonked it right way up next to Essy. She laughed, which made me grin, which made Li in turn roll her eyes and exclaim, You never pass up the chance to show off, do you?
He hasnt changed a bit, exclaimed Essy warmly. Remember him stealing apples from Rogers garden? I winced exaggeratedly and, in a pained whisper, managed, That incident was supposed to be a sworn secret, ladies.
And I suppose that telling Nina who broke into her house and ate Sens mushroom soup wasnt a sworn secret, hissed Li. Trust you!
Like all sensible women should, I said, straightening. But youve never been that sensible. If you were sensible, you wouldnt be you. I ducked the flying butter knife and it rebounded off a crest-of-arms behind me, dropping to the floor with a clatter. That set Essy into quiet giggles, myself into near-hysterics and Li into seething, embarrassed silence. For a while, anyway.
We continued all like this throughout the entree, while the magicians talked quietly to each other, apparently apathetic to the impending doom of their dining room. At one point, when I tuned in, I heard the wizard say something about her mother and Saedas reply with an expletive that I made a sworn oath on the spot to learn and use more frequently. Seconds later, I heard Li use the same word to describe my table manners, so I replied in context.
There did seem to be a lot of flying cutlery tonight, now that I was thinking about it flying cutlery. Air-propelled, evil flying cutlery which wanted to spear me dead, commanded by the Evil Scary Li-kins of Doom. A cutlery army. With legs, wielding pepper-shooters so they could take over the whole of the world as we knew it. Then the world would be like one giant dining-table with no table manners.
The main course arrived, which seemed to be some kind of thick meat which I carefully prodded with a fork.
Its not polite to pick at your food, Al said, and I looked up at her.
Its not polite to have your elbows on the table, I replied cheerfully, and she smiled icily in reply. I made little waving motions as I saw Lis fork hand raise, and then Saedas said, without looking away from his plate, Dinner is supposed to be a peaceful affair. Cease and desist. Grudgingly, Li lowered her fork, which infuriated me beyond measure, for some reason. I think it was just the potential sight of a fork sticking out of the Priests forehead that amused me.
The first chance I got, I would sink my cutter into his throat. Watch him tell me everything I needed to know. Why he had wreaked havoc with my memories and my life for three years.
You cant expect it to be a peaceful affair after what you did to me, I said tersely, my voice harsher than Id intended. Essys eyes widened and Lis throwing arm seemed to move slightly, but I shook my head at her and she nodded back, turning to glare at Allamar with a kind of pull-anything-and-I-inflict-doom-on-you look.
The serious conversation may be reserved for dessert, Saedas answered mildly, meeting me straight in the eyes. He looked almost disinterested, and that disturbed me. Because from what Id seen of this Priest, if he didnt appear to be worried, it was all part of some tactic aimed at me.
Az, calm down, whispered Essy, placing a hand on my arm. That would have stopped me before, but now?
I stood up, and Allamar was, in her turn, rising, before Li slid a steak knife under her chin. I knew it would come down to this. I knew it would be me against him, Li and myself against them all-
Az, I cant let you do this, warned Essy, her voice slightly hysterical as she pointed, with shaking hands, a
set of salad tongs at me as the chair scraped out behind her. I wanted to ask her if it was a joke, wanted to tell her that this was serious, before it hit me that she was completely serious.
I can and I will, I answered quietly. Al was smiling at Li, an odd, twisted little smile. But Li was good. She could handle anything this magician hurled her way. It was my turn to make a stand.
My turn to say what I never had the chance to say.
Essy, I began softly. I I was the one who did this. I left you, and because of that I can never honestly say that I did my best. But he I glared at the magician, who was just watching me, coldly, expressionlessly, and his lack of reaction was what pushed me on. He was the one who made me believe you were dead. If Id known you were alive, I never wouldve I swallowed, and the sound of the salad tongs falling with a clatter on the tiles was loud to my ears.
Then Essy whirled on Saedas, her one eye blazing, hissing at him. She was more Finesse than Essy at that moment. It was slightly gratifying, seeing her turn on the man who had caused all this misery.
You manipulated me! she cried, her hands groping amidst her cutlery. You never told me about this, you never-
What I saw next was enough to stop the rising triumph I felt at Essys indignation. Lis steak knife thumped onto the heavy tablecloth, and Als chair fell back with a loud clunk as she stood abruptly. Cold did not do justice to her expression. It was dangerous, silent, glacial. Mirroring mine. Excellent, Saedas said laconically, apparently not seeming to care about what had caught our attention so vividly. There is more to this than you would ever believe possible, Azrael. Now sit down and be silent. All of you. Lest we are at each others throats before the games have even reached their climax. Neither Li nor I responded, but Essy sat down, while Al said, her voice forcibly controlled, I thought you said he hadnt hurt you.
Sometimes a lie is required for the truth to be revealed, Saedas answered, and without another word, the wizard righted her chair and sat down, her eyes fixed on him.
What in the twice-cursed, thrice-damned name of the Dark Lord is going on?! Li growled, and I could feel myself sliding darker, deeper, colder.
My sentiments exactly, I said, hearing the ice slough off my voice. Essy whipped around to face me, and I saw fear flit across her face. I wasnt surprised, although it was a punch in the gut to see her
afraid of
me. No; not even. In this vale of ice where I had locked myself, there was no pain, no happiness, no surprise. Everything was there, and it was only up to you what you saw and what you refused to see.
But my main attention was never diverted from the inflamed, bloodstained word sliced into Saedass arm as he restraightened his sleeve.
Talk, I said dangerously. My shinkita wasnt here, but I didnt need it to hit the Priest until he was cross-eyed.
I said that there was more to it, he answered silkily, his hazel eyes never leaving mine. But when did I ever give you the impression that I would be willing to reveal this more?
Bleh. ._. OWMG TIHS CHAPTAR IZ TEH SUX0RZ. But I say this all the time. So ignore me. Sorry this chapter is so late: school sucks, and so do writers block and the Typo Bug. My English is deteriorating, and so are my mental capacities. Which reminds me. I have a backlog of Math to catch up on. RAR CALCULUS SUX.
=3. ~<3
Dude, I signed up for this site after I read the chapter before this chapter (also known as four).
Awsome chapter. What happens next? OH NOES!
Aaaand, lastly, if you say the next chapter sucks, I shall slap you with a fish.
G’day ma’am.
More showingness perfectly of the characters :3 We get to see mroe of Essy/Finesse. . . WEE! (For some reason, I love seeing people’s crazy sides @_@)
OOOoh, and now I’m growing much more sympathetic to Allamar ^^ Whee~!
. . . TEH AZ! soamazinglycoolwithhistightattitudeandallshowoffyandthetwosidedfakenesswiththemaskandthehottormentedpast!
Darn you Firewood. . .
HE’S MINE! -fights to the death-
I challenge joo to Mortal Kombat! DX
Bah! I hate not signing onto MMO for a while! D: More chapters!
And naaaah~ Indigo is just afraid of being my best friend~~ <3 -glomps her-
But WOW! I love this! 0_0!
I feel stupid though =( I have to look up a lot of the words in the dictionary.
It’s not a bad thing! XD Just to let you know, you use a lot of big words =x
Still in love with character development.
Post Script: Essy reminds me of a Mary Sue! Oh no! D=
yay love you
*cheesey grins* 
praise and adoration to the lady authoress, all hail her author powers etcetera.
but quit saying it sucks at the beginning / end of every chapter. that is really annoying.
and thanks for making Li older. now makes sense
can’t wait for more
and colon3. how is Essy a Mary Sue? since when did Mary Sue’s have psychotic alter ego’s (is that the right phrase?)
plus, if mary sue’s are supposedly uber beautiful (thanks for all the info vicelin), how is a one eyed person amazingly beautiful?
it just doesn’t fit.
oh yeah. indescane, jack sparrow ROCKS! did u go see the second one 2day? lousy sickness, preventing me from sighting of good movie *mutter, mutter*
Wah. I found out this morning that there was a new chappy, but I only had time to read half of it!
“Obviously the sheer awesomeness of me had been too awesome for her to look at any longer. ” *points and laughs* *hard*
Yessssssssssssssss! We saw the second Pirates of the Carribean today! I <3 Jack Sparrow! He is uber awesome! But I felt so sorry for Will’s father, T____________T
See! Des! I’m not the only one who has to use WordWeb when I read your thingies! High five, colon3! *fives*
Hm, I kinda like Saedas better than I like Az, besides, he’s already taken, guys! But not as much as I <3 Syuusuke! *goes on a 10 min rant about Syuusuke* You know, Syuusuke from Prince of Tennis? Only one of the BEST ever anime/mangas? <333333333333333333
By the way Indescane, love the picture(s) XD The drawings so cute. F6!
And iluvchocs, I said Essy, not Finesse =x I was pointing out her personality as well. She was just all. . .
Cute D= And adorable. And innocent.
. . . .
Maybe I was just upset that Az likes her
._.” Shush.
wow, everyone here loves you , ><
Actually, i want to learn to love you too. =D
but ur blogs are too long, it hurts my eyes.
Just like harry Potter, i buy it but gets bored of reading it cuz it’s uber long. ><
*throws a steak knife at the like button this time* WOO! It finally came out! *dances* I’m sad that I read it already though.
*reads again anyway* You freaking rule Indescane:
“Air-propelled, evil flying cutlery which wanted to spear me dead, commanded by the Evil Scary Li-kins of Doom.”
Lol, Az is a nut.
angelwitwing: , Her blogs aren’t too long! They are sooooooooo freaking good that it’s lucky they ARE long, otherwise we’d have to keep waiting for short posts, which are nowhere as good as long ones (providing, of course, that the long blogs and short blogs are of equal goodness – and in this case, the long one definately dominates).
Some people have problems with long blogs. Strange problems that can be taken cared of by *coughs* means.
I love the imaginative use of cutlery. XD
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I especially liked the “Cease and desist” line. xD
angelwitwing. don’t diss stupid things like lenght of blogs. how is that criticisim for story? besides. i like it when they’re longer. more story
Uhhh, short attention span. Couldn’t read all of it. Sorry toots.
RAWR. I accept your challenge, Lady Indigo. -draws old fashioned sword; gets outnumbered by Indigo clones. . . Oh buggah-
Yeah, I watched Pirates, too <33
But you know who I love more than Jack Sparrow?
Um. Yeah. Anyway.
Az could never smell un-spiffy, for I would hug him till the dirt fell off if I had the chance. :O
And Allamar is still a bish. She offended Az, and shalt be put to death. -stabs Allamar voodoo doll-
Um, yeah. I just had a lot of coffee. COFFEEE. ZOMG.
-wiggles in seat-
. . . Saedas is hawt. <3
Oh crap, I’m just rambling now.
Good luck with teh Calcul–
No, nevermind.
-sets all teh Calculus books on fire with teh powah of Az luff-
Oh no, I don’t have anything more to say. . .

Okay, they need to stop playing so much Pink Floyd on the radio. >_>
Its ruining the Az Effect.
Axe smells funky. o_O
-. . .shuts up-
backlog of maths just like u indescane. must be done coz i have a test on monday *burns school* there. problem solved . . .
jack sparrow rocks. so does az. he’s just . . . cool. and li is funny, and i love this:
At one point, when I tuned in, I heard the wizard say something about her mother and Saedas reply with an expletive that I made a sworn oath on the spot to learn and use more frequently. Seconds later, I heard Li use the same word to describe my table manners, so I replied in context.
you live and learn . . .