Ez said I should call this Verchiel

. . . . Regardless of the fact that I don’t mention him in it at all, it’s now the title.

Greetings all.

So, it’s lunchtime, and Ez decided I needed to write a blog. Disregarding the fact that I have nothing much to write about, something’s getting written because she’s looking over my shoulder and glaring threateningly . . . well. As much as Ez can glare.

Anyway, so my name’s iluvchocs, I’ve been haunting comment areas since last year, weaned myself off MMOT in an effort to decrease distraction time, then arrived back at school and readdicted.

And I guess I should probably tell the tale of how I was introduced to MMOT, regardless of the fact that it’s boring, because this is an introductory blog and that’s the kinda thing you do. Besides, it’s too short.


Once upon a time there was a very bored female called ILC, who was staring blankly at the email screen waiting for something to happen. A chime indicating the fact that new mail had appeared sounded, and I refreshed to find an email from a friend saying that she’d begun a new story, and here was the link. So when you get down to it, it’s all Indescane’s fault. The End. Since then I’ve also gotten hooked on SilverFx’s and DaMunky89’s stories and compete to be the first of the Mad Trio to like them.


Running out of things to say that have any random relevance to this, so I believe I shall finish and wander off to discuss manga, anime and maths results. Faretheewell.


15 thoughts on “Ez said I should call this Verchiel”

  1. W00T! GO ILC! *waves ILC banners* >>;; Uh, yeah.

    *sigh* I was going to threaten you all with flammable stuff, pointy stuff and deadly stuff, but ILC says no threats until somebody does something stupid. *big sigh* Ah well. There’ll always be a next time. . .&gt


  2. LOL.

    Yay for ILC’s first blog!

    Now let’s wait for the someone to do something stupid. ^^ *prepares Phlaming spell*

  3. *beams* Thanks Silver.

    Yeah . . . I feel like rambling on and on in twisted logic to completely confuse some deserving soul. Where have all the idiots gone?

  4. Good idea . . . hang on, I’ll check. She says no, because idiots would have given her indigestion, and she doesn’t have indigestion. So they’re out there somewhere . . .*picks up binoculars, scans net*

  5. OHOHOH MEMEME! I’ll be the stupid! =D
    *flies through the air, to land on ILC’s back, and laughs both shrilly and manically as she runs about the room shouting*

    (Nice intro blog, by the way, if a little overdue. )

  6. >>;; =DDD

    Well, what should I say. AHAHA. Bindi and Tyndel are arm wrestling, and Bindi got beaten.

    Badly. =D It was hilarious while it lasted. Now Bindi’s wailing about being beaten.

    ILC: have retaken laptop to rescue it from Bindi smashing it. Ez is . . . MIA. And Ganzicus, thanks for the oranges *sells, takes money, buys chocolate, eats*

    Oooh. Ez is still alive. I can tell because she just elbowed me in the stomach during her wrestling match.

    Back to Ez: MiGAWD, Bindi just assaulted me! She started elbowing me and sitting on me and saying, “Who’s wailing now?” And we were both laughing too hard and I was laughing too hard to type anymore, and for the safety of ILC’s computer I had to hand over guardianship to her. Even though she’s the legal guardian. BUT NOW I’M BACK. =D And my tummy hurts. ._.

  7. MUNKY! Excellent, an idiot to amuse ourselves with.

    *smashes against wall, jarring Munky off so he is plastered there for a few seconds before sliding down to fall in a crumpled heap, too weak to even curl up in a defensive huddle and block his ears as Ez begins her charming rendition of We’re Marching On Kerflucklestan*

    *places finger and thumb a miniscule distance apart* Yeah, just a /little/ overdue XD

  8. XD

    And to add to this random mess of comments: I’m going to administer a test on my kiddoes later on! Yay for exams from the other side of the academic fence. ^^

  9. *mumble grumble* I didn’t say I’m an idiot. I said I’d ACT like one! ;D
    Though, if you’d prefer, *jumps on her, bites neck, knocks over*


  10. *points to Munky* I keep telling him that he has vampiric tendencies and he just keeps DENYING!

  11. FINE! >O


    Eh? Well, I meant I’m not actually a vampire, okay?
    I still act like one sometimes, I’ll agree. ;D

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