Deaths, Moon Walks, and Leeches

Omg! Yayy~ I would’ve never imagined this day to have come… LEVEL 74! ^___^

After many, many, many deaths, I had finally pulled through and not become emo. 😀

The story began about a month ago. I have gotten addicted to leveling at MDT! I mean, c’mon, who wouldn’t wanna kill yellow glowing blankets? Anyway, my motivation was great and I decided to camp out there with my Dragon Knight friend. It was going great until I started… moon walking.

This was weird, I never lag. What’s wrong with my computer? I glared at my brother who was also in the room. The lag finally passed and I had escaped unharmed. However, the next time, I was less fortunate. My first death. Good-bye 100,000 experience.

I wasn’t bothered by this because it was only my first death. My friend asked me if I wanted to stop for the day, but I insisted. Nothing was holding me back from leveling this week.

After a few minutes, gaining a couple of my lost experience back, I started to lag again. When it stopped, I was floating around the air with a tombstone behind me. Suprise.

This repeated for about 14 times over the next two weeks. I was furious as well as hopeless. So I decided to train on something easier! Zombies. I got 20% back when I heard a cry of help from my assassin friend, GraveRose. He needed help with the Insignifigant One quest. Ugh. How I despise the old guy. So I rode the ship back to victoria and came to his aid! We went to tauromacis (the cows with orange overalls.. I think) for the round colored orb thingies. Everything was going smoothly until my Magic Guard ran out while I was standing casting Holy Symbol. Do you know how long it takes to cast it? Like 2.5 seconds! And, oh joy, I died. 15th death.

Thinking my lag was cured, I went back to MDTs. However, I was wrong. Over the next two weeks, I happened to have died 24 times. I thought I was going to go emo. Seriously. I gained over 4.5mil exp.

But my friends came to Death Teddies, and let me leech off them. <3 THANKS SAM, CHRIS, DAVID, AND KASEY~ And I finally, miraculously, leveled!

Edit: This reminds me, when did level become a verb? o.O Was it always one? @_@;;

5 thoughts on “Deaths, Moon Walks, and Leeches”

  1. Congrats! 😀

    ‘Level’ was always a verb, just not in the way it has evolved into in the gaming world. 😛

  2. Wow! It took me a while to figure out your character was a priest. No wonder you hadn’t died in 73 levels. Congratulations on level 74, just one more level until you can equip a Dark Ritual. =)

    Silver’s right about “leveling”: you know, it’s what children do to the sand in their sandbox, or what people do to guns before they fire them. There are other meanings, but those are the ones I know best.

  3. Ya. Lol. Thanks! ^____^ xD My 24 th death was torture, because I thought I was finally going to level~! 96.78%, e_e Then it went down to 91% D; *Shudders*

    Really? ‘_’ I never knew. >_O I knew it meant to like, make the same or something.

    Edit: I mean first death at level 73. xP I’ve died probably over than 250 times if you count them all -.-;

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