Top Ten.

Why Maple will always be better than Flyff.

Recently, some people have been playing this upstart of a game Flyff. This is very disturbing. In order to lessen the curiosity of public, I have done some research in both games and come up with the ten most important reasons why everyone should keep playing Maple Story.

10. Parties don’t give any advantages anyway, so people do not beg to party.

It’s always annoying when others beg to party. In Maple, the biggest advantage of staying in a party is to receive heals and buffs from other people. Since parties don’t offer bonus experience or party skills that increase drop rates, I never have to see low levels ask if they can join my party, as they do in Flyff.

9. There is little or no confusion on which stats to raise.

The four classes in Maple each have two main stats which they should raise. When I first started playing Flyff, I gave my melee character a lot of dexterity, which I soon realized I did not need much of. Afterwards, I found out that certain variants of this class specialize in high dexterity for quick attacking. Why does Flyff offer so many types of characters? Choices are bad.

8. Most people do not type with correct spelling and grammar.

In Flyff, many of the people I have seen type using proper grammar. This bothers me very much, because it seems as if these people are trying to look down on those who don’t observe these conventions. Everyone who plays Maple, however, treats each other as equals by typing with shortcuts.

7. There is no need to search for boss monsters.

Searching around, it is hard for one playing Flyff to determine whether or not a boss monster has spawned. This can lead to frustration and depression when a fruitless journey is completed. I never have this problem in Maple, since the boss monsters spawn regularly in marked maps and in locations on these maps. This is a great example of how user-friendly Maple is.

6. Notable lack of ‘hacking’.

There’s a big problem going on in Flyff. People are somehow able to equip level high leveled equipment at very low levels, and so on. On the other hand, I have never seen a single person in Maple using ‘hacks’.

5. No time wasted with experience boxes.

People who die in Flyff lose three percent of their experience and have to come back to the place they died in order to get some of this experience back. Evidently, this retracing of one’s steps frustrates many players. No such problem exists in Maple, because when one dies, they simply go straight to the nearest town.

4. People cannot level too quickly.

When one takes in account the total absence of ‘hacking’ and the penalty for dying, it seems almost impossible for people to level too quickly in Maple. Leveling is bad, because it causes stress and gives people pressure to level more. Flyff needs to slow down the rate at which people can level.

3. Astonishingly rendered backgrounds.

The environments in Maple are amazingly well drawn as well as the changes they go through when players interact with them. The terrain I’ve seen in Flyff is dull and boring. Every single area seems a repeat of the last, and the only thing that changes is the level of the monsters.

2. Impressive character avatars.

Maple’s characters all look so nice and wonderful. Every person is unique, but not too much so because that would be bad. Some of the players I have seen in Flyff were, truly, not pleasant to look at.

1. Amazing ‘2D’ qualities.

I was pleasantly surprised when I learned that Maple was a ‘2D’ game. This aspect is what makes Maple such a unique game, and such a great one too. Nothing Flyff has to offer can match the ‘wow’ factor that Maple has.

I recommend at least seven hours of Mapling a day.


23 thoughts on “Top Ten.”

  1. Lol, you got some weird reasons to like MS but nonetheless you are proving some vaild points I guess.


  2. Never played Flyff and that entry is going to inevitably keep me away from the game for good.

  3. Yeah, if there are people who don’t get this one, the other one will really freak them out. ._.

  4. As I said in another blog today, it’s pointless to argue over which game is better.

    I can easily say “That dog is better than that dog because it’s brown.”

    People like different things, so don’t try and change them, unless the thing can harm a person’s physical or mental being.

    Really, people are so immature.

  5. Shmooki said: “As I said in another blog today, it’s pointless to argue over which game is better.

    I can easily say “That dog is better than that dog because it’s brown.”

    People like different things, so don’t try and change them, unless the thing can harm a person’s physical or mental being.

    Really, people are so immature.”

    Exactly. Though I can’t tell whether this blog is partially sarcastic, totally sarcastic, or totally serious.

  6. Iepiat said: ” 8. Most people do not type with correct spelling and grammar.

    In Flyff, many of the people I have seen type using proper grammar. This bothers me very much, because it seems as if these people are trying to look down on those who don’t observe these conventions. Everyone who plays Maple, however, treats each other as equals by typing with shortcuts. “

    Ha ha. I’m not sure if it’s sarcastic or not either. o_O Maple Story FTW. <3

  7. Lol Allen, This is awesome. You keep people guessing just like in real life. Silly boy. Comment on my series!

    -=The Nazgul=-

  8. Eheh. I agree; Maple > FlyFF in my own opinion. But I’d have to say that yes, it is kinda pointless arguing about who likes what better.


    I do look at this blog as your personal opinion, and acknowledge the fact you are not trying to convince people to play Maple over FlyFF. People who have previously told you that you are arguing with people over the fact Maple is better than FlyFF are not exactly correct; I see no mention of another name, nor do I see the words ‘Come play Maple with me!’ or something like that in your blog.

    PS: I type properly in Maple. Does that mean I look down on people? xP

  9. “3. The Environments.”

    This was so ironic that I had to doubleuteeeff.

    I mean seriously, how can you compare a dull white landscape with a beautiful aerial view. There is no comparison.

  10. fenrir how about flyff vs runescape o_o.I wonder what that’ll be like. . . .(inserts ganzicus’ F2+F5 face)

  11. XD

    Iepiat dude. Forget that I ever said that MMOtales might be able to get what you mean. :X
    Or maybe they actually get it, but . . .
    Mutual exchange of sarcasm ftw.

    I still want to see the other blog though. Do post it.

    [edit] And your shades look badass.

  12. leecx said: “fenrir how about flyff vs runescape o_o.I wonder what that’ll be like. . . .(inserts ganzicus’ F2+F5 face)”

    Hmm. . .It would be total chaos. Blogs such as ‘flyff vs runescape debate battle topic’ will rule most of the front page brought forward by multies.

    It spreads, going to other forums. Then it becomes like the third world. In netscape. =P

    Hate to see that happen.

    I WANT A BOAAARRRDDD they look cool. =X

  13. I’m assuming this is sarcasm. Like that other blog of yours i can’t recall right now. Either way, it was funny, and a nice blog, made me laugh

  14. Sometimes good sarcasm is so bitterly underappreciated.

    You still pwn my world. Have my bebbies?

  15. I disagree with almost everything you just said there :x, I’m gonna answer in the order you put it in.

    10. Flyff parties give bonus because people love them. And it’s much easier to level especially in a Contribution Party with a partner. You get more experience that way. And you can make your own party anways. And there’s alot of people looking for fillers, so it all works out.

    9. You need to plan out what you want to be later, read forums, ask other players etc. Before actually adding the stats, I’m a ClockWork Full Support Ringmaster. All I need is Sta: 50 int: ?(continues), and nothing else. And there’s not really alot of choices. Mercenary,Mage,Assist,Acrobat.

    And there’s a second job, right when you become the first job, plan out what you want to be in the second job, and add those stats. -.-

    8. People type with correct spellings because it’s what they feel like typing as. I have alot of friends in Flyff that type with mistakes, o_O,

    7. You can pretty much tell if the boss has spawned. o_o, the screen shakes, and the boss is usually ALOT bigger than the small people !

    (And did anyone notice flyff is really detailed? O_O I can see monster’s butt cracks !)

    6. , Maplestory has TONS dude I mean TONS of hackers >:0 whatca talking about. Pros usually equip low lvl equips and run around in nooby places for fun. Low lvl people don’t equip high lvl stuff. High lvl people equip low lvl stuff. o_o and there’s no hackers in flyff (That I seen. ^^;

    5. Exp boxes are fun. :o, cause if you die, you can always fly back to where you died (get the fastest BOARD/BROOM). And don’t get the exp box yet, just fight until your exp bar doesn’t blink anymore then get the exp box. More exp :3. And you can always get ressed from an Assist/BP/RM.

    4. Flyff players, they get to choose if they want to level or not, there’s no pressure and no stress. And you can always get powerleveled.

    3. Maplestory = 2D, Flyff= 3D. And the terrain changes too, plus your Flying! Of course it’s going to be dull up in Air in the world of Flyff. You need to walk on the terrains .

    2. Everyone in Flyff is nicely detailed. Depends on how you want to dress it. And, >_> the glow effect of your set helps alot. +3 not so much glow, +8 getting better. +10 Dude o_o your glowing like a GOD.

    1. 2D, 2 and a half D, 3D, just dimensions. :/, plus what you have against flyff? o_O,

    Maplestory has it’s own bad side, Flyff has it’s own bad side. Every MMORPG has it’s own bad side . =/,

  16. ROFLMAO.

    Someone even made a long-arse comment to refute your pwnsome logic, ‘Piat. XDXDXD

    You PWN, you do.

    [edit] Uh, yeah. I was stalking your old blogs. No need to get freaked out or anything like that.

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