ONG Rangar.

A double level and finding a Ranger to idolize.

The events in this blog happened two Fridays ago. Just a little clarification.

Having been told by Mark that the most recent patch had added new maps, I decided to get on and check out the Forest of Golem. Supposedly this map contained a great number of Mixed Golems, which mean fast experience. Obviously I was a bit skeptical after being brainwashed by thirteen levels at Coolies, but nevertheless, I wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

I learned upon logging on that Zombie Mushmom and some sort of Drakes had also been released, but this didn’t really interest me much. [2] A few guildmates had already formed a party at the Forest of Golem and invited me to come, which I did.


Vamp: look at the sexy hair the hair quest gave me
Iepiat: LOL
Vamp: D:
Iepiat: xDDDDD

Obviously, I wasn’t about to do the hair quest any time soon.


Other than Vamp, the other guild members in the party were Skillful, LambdaDriver, and Jorgan85. We each took a platform.

The spawn was amazingly fast. I’d kill a golem or two, and then bam!, three more would spawn. Knock those back with PKB, bomb, bomb, bomb, bam! I was nearly overwhelmed with the spawn while Skillful, Lambda, and Jorgan were having no troubles, being melee characters. Somehow I managed – in other words, I spammed pots – and I was surprised at how quickly the experience was racking up.

Vamp was at the top platform, the one with the slowest spawn. After a while, he had to go ‘afk’ for a minute, giving me a chance to show off my maxed PKB. [3]

…Yeah, I hit a 38. I can get past 1.1k on slimes, though. :3

Eventually, a few people in the party had to leave, so Skillful and I were left alone in the map. He got a friend to come take a platform though, and again the experience was soaring.

A few inquiries, and I learned that we were both at ninety-something percent. Of course, being competitive, our first idea was to race each other to level! Skillful said that he would probably win though, being a faster killer than I was. My idea was to formulate a way to level together.

Skillful would have certainly won the race, for I was barely at 99% when he got to 99.98%. He quit the party upon reaching that percent; Skillful instructed his friend to hit a four of five golems and then hang on a nearby rope. The golems’ spectacular AI told them to form an angry mob under the rope, where a few bags of mesos lay.


LevelLevel Up! [1]

We were pretty hyped up about our double level, shouting it to the guild and such. It was getting late, so we said our goodbyes and logged off.


The next day, I entered the Forest of Golem again for another party. A few minutes in, CaranA (I was in his guild for a good five months or so) came to visit us in the map. [4]
I would say his cash shop items were schmexy, but then what would that make me?

Monkiman was the second visitor of the day. [5] Two things that set him apart from the rest of my acquaintances on Maple are that he types properly and that he is a Ranger. ONG Rangar! And he’s in the guild. 😀

He came to our map, killed a little, and soon said that his inventory was full. Which was when he gave us all a set of icies. A pretty unexpected and very kind gesture. So I now had a nice, literate Ranger to stalk. Huzzah.


But anyway, that was two weeks ago. I’m a bit addicted to Flyff at the moment. And there are four people in the guild Neptune who type literately, that’s four I said, mumble mumble come to Lawolf everyone…

11 thoughts on “ONG Rangar.”

  1. Mixed Golems are sexeh exp at your level, with a good party. 😛

    Fun stuff, especially that double level up. ^^

  2. I thought Mix Golems are stronger than Stone Golems but weaker than Dark Stone Golems.


  3. >_>

    I look at your exp and I shudder. xD That must exp must be a pain to gather. xP

    Anyway, gratz on your level. =D

  4. I’m gonna give you the Stranger’s Award for always typing the funniest yet strangest blogs ever (Stranger in a good way :D)

  5. S0m 1 wh0 tipes l1tera11y! t3h w00tx0rxes!

    Okay, that was really difficult for me to type. Yes, I’m really more eager to talk to someone that types properly too. It’s not just you. And that’s always good to know.

  6. Hrhmm,

    Thats quite a bit more than 4.

  7. Haha congratulations on your level up
    oh I heard that they drop glove att. Did you get any yet?

  8. I made Fenrir do what? Heh, cool.

    No, I didn’t get any pricey drops, but at least I leveled. ^^

    CatsLazersMewPew and DoctorBattery are the same person. You know Mike, right? Obviously our definitions of literacy differ – I see you didn’t include yourself. 😛

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