Log off, eh?

Tales of a level 30 Magician.

-signs on to Flyff

-witnesses argument

-signs off

-signs on to Maple

Usually, I take the initiative to close my chat window at the slightest hint of drama, but seeing hate thrown around before I can even say hello? Mmm, no thanks.

My magician needed only 43 more percent to level to thirty. The magician which I had neglected for quite a while. The one with the provocative name. That-a-one.

A week had passed since the version 0.34 patch.

I spammed /find on every guild member I could remember, coming up with only two hits: HappyNazgul and LambdaDriver. Changing channels, I found out that Vanya was on some map called “Victoria Road : Excavation Site <Camp>” and that Lambda was at the Forest of Golem. Since my whispers to Vanya yielded no replies, not to mention the fact that I didn’t know where to find the excavation site, I decided to go annoy – that is, go visit – Lambda. [2]

I lost more than six percent when I died, maybe because I only have ten LUK.

The ‘hacker’ refused to leave, so Lambda offered to train me up a bit. We went to the Land of Wild Boar first to see if I could leech some decent experience. [3] As I had expected, the two people already training there were soon “w.t.f.”-ing the presence of an 8x knight; we decided to claim the top platform for a while, leaving them the rest. I began to kill, and soon enough, a dark chocolate popped up.

Iepiat: Not these again… DO THEY STACK THIS TIME?!

Of course not. What would be the point of a stackable drop? It would take lots of time and effort from a group of fifty or so dedicated programmers to integrate that complex function into the game, pfft stacking, next they’ll ask for a bigger bank, ungrateful brats…

Anyway, that was my first conscious encounter with the new patch, soon followed by Lambda finding a red rose from something. He let me have the rose, and we headed off to the Evil Eye caves. The two of us killed the ugly things long enough to finish both “99” and “999” quests. [4] Lambda had to sign off in an hour, after which I leveled.

I whispered Vanya to ask him where the job instructor was, happily getting a response.‘Gandalf guy’, upon seeing me, scoffed at my awesome beginner shirt and trusty wooden shield. He told me I’d have to ‘prove myself’ by killing monsters and taking their stuff.

How original! 😀

The quest complete, I got onto my ranger to see everyone’s opinion on which class to pick. Mark suggested tongue-in-cheek that I should become a cleric so that I could heal him; Vanya had already said cleric. Another good friend, BlackNazgul, recommended the path of the ice/lightning wizard, then insisted that I stay with my ranger. I assured him that I only needed that character to store my junk. I have five mules now…


Iepiat: Rubble is npc, right?
Iepiat: >.>
Iepiat: Etc drops.
Greydragons: Nooooo
Greydragons: You trade that in to moneybags.
Greydragons: For 100 mil, Allen.
Iepiat: LIES
Greydragons: It’s super rare.
Greydragons: Super super super rare.
Greydragons: …
Greydragons: Did you just NPC it?


Lambda was on again, so I trained with him for a while at the Forest of Golem. At some point, I picked up the four different colors of roses and a blood snowboard, which cheered me up. Last time that event came around, my level was in the high thirtys or low forties, so the monsters I could kill didn’t drop those higher leveled snowboards.

A few nice surprises:

▪ I finally learned what wish tickets were for. Mark was offering to trade green or yellow for blue tickets, and since I had a few, I asked him what they were. My goal of that week became getting 600 tickets to exchange for an Eclipse Cloak.

▪ A mixed golem dropped a 60% glove attack scroll for me.

▪ Vanya came to Holy Symbol us.

▪ We got to do our first Guild Quest.

Hmm, a bit more about that.

Supposedly there had been a glitch or whatever with the GQ signup system, making this the first one MonkeyMafia had attempted. The shield thingy popped up; at the time, though, there were only seven guild members on, with two ‘afk’. I got on my magician and whispered for a guild invite.

Yes, my level 30 Magician. Coughcough.

Only four of us made it to the excavation site before our time came, so of course we couldn’t get in.


Our party later that day: 97 Priest, 87 Ranger, 83 WK, 83 DK, 83 Ranger, 78 DK, 30 Cleric. [5]

It was a total failure. Since none of us had any experience with the GQ at all, we wasted nearly half an hour finishing the first stage. We ended up giving up in the second stage, meh.

Relogging on my ranger, I scrolled to town to meet BlackNazgul. The two of us entered the Sleepy dungeon, reminiscing about our earlier days. Hitting our first hundreds and five-hundreds; trying to kill jr. boogies as a thirty-something Hunter and a twenty-something Bowman; exploring Ludi when it first came out; begging a high-leveled Ranger to show us arrow rain and PKB on zombie lupins.

Those were the days.

9 thoughts on “Log off, eh?”

  1. Are you kidding? Half an hour is fast compared to my first GPQ.

    1 whole hour. Just focusing on the first stage.

    Have fun, and don’t die. Or at least try to avoid to die.

  2. Heh. Just copy and paste from my blog, Ganzicus.

    And yeah, the GQ was fun, even if we never made it past the second stage. Subsequent attempts were much more successful, probably because we brought backup healers and people to use meso explosion on the boss.


    Yay, it’s a really provocative character to join the ranks of Clerics! ^^ I really love that guy’s IGN. :X

  4. But allen,
    FlyFF is so much better.

    Anyways, I barely remember much about Maplestory, so half of that made no sense.

    Well, I hope you’re having fun over there.

    And if you do get on FlyFF, you really should PM me, yessirplx.

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