For you.

Because I haven’t posted in like 18764123976 years.

In my defense, I was trying to get the space race victory in Civ4 on Noble…


Oh, and school started two weeks ago. pshh.


Coolest boss clone of GMS 0.40e: king slime.

The first time I saw the weakened clone of king slime, I grinned like a fool. He reminded me of an experience nearly two years ago, when my friends gave me an introductory tour to the Kerning party quest.

We slogged our way through the first stage, teaming up to kill the crocodiles. I remember how inconsistent my hits were, rising from the monsters as orange ones and two-hundreds. Level 25, I marveled at the speed at which my bow launched its slender missiles. The monsters fell to our blows; the following puzzles were child’s play.

Nearing the end of our journey, we leaped confidently from ledge to ledge. A quivering mass of jelly, easily larger than any living thing I had ever seen, grinned at us from its shelter among the brush. As it launched itself into the air, the world around me grew dark… the server could not be reached.

Anyway, king slime is cute.

Crappiest boss clone of GMS 0.40e: crimson balrog.

Not only did he make “afk”ing in the 2nd zombie map unsafe, he also scared the heck out of me every single time he spawned. No matter how many times I’d seen him before, my heart rate seemed to double whenever the flying dog faded into existence.



August 2nd to 4th

I was strolling through Zipangu – don’t ask me why – when someone on my buddy list signed on. This interested me a bit, since about 25/30 of the people on that list have either deleted me or stopped playing.

It turned out to be Mizutsu, or “Rew” as he’s known here. Since he and Shatred once shared accounts or something, he didn’t know this weird ‘101iepiat’ guy on his buddy list. We talked for a while, and I’m still currently on his buddy list (and still a bit weird).

Later, I logged on to my cleric and snagged a level at wild boars. Level three heal. It’s so helpful! Now I’ll never have to buy pots! Yay.

No, really. Check out my damage.


Now for the first of many level-up screenies. Notice how much higher the heal damage here is; I think BlackNazgul was leveling to 68 in that picture.

Also, one of my own.. arrow rain is great for mobbing.


silkwhip: my son is going to type for a second
Janarthan: how old is ur son?
silkwhip: cicicicigg
silkwhip: 3 and 6
Janarthan: 2 [sons]?
silkwhip: yes
silkwhip: icviigigigigigigigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


August 8th to 9th

The Iron Hog Killing Squad is a very exclusive group with extensive requirements that prospective members must meet.

Firstly, they must acquire one (1) electronic computing machine. The aforementioned “computer” must be turned on.

This step is very important.

Additionally, they must obtain access to maple story, with regards to the state of their “internet”. The possession or lack thereof of a character that can kill “iron hogs” weighs heavily in the evaluation of an IHKS applicant.

Most importantly, they must positively identify an “iron hog” when presented with one. The guidelines currently accepted by the International Council of Animal Identification (ICAI) is that an iron hog must meet at least two of the following criteria:

– looks like an iron hog
– runs like an iron hog
– sounds like an iron hog

Members of the Squad may be disheartened by the lack of contact from other Squad members, but they should take solace in the fact they are in the most prestigious society the maple world has to offer.

I’m bored.

Broohinny (Cinnamon here) would certainly qualify for the squad, if it existed, for I stalked her to pig beach, where she was hanging around with a friend or two. We went off to Kerning to take the train to New Leaf City.

At the map with the robots, the two of us ran around gathering great clumps of whirring mechanical men. They leaped behind us obediently, forming continuous streams of metal that ended in Broo’s eventual death.

“Death songs” aren’t a very nice thing to sing to anything, in my opinion.


xLeeee: dont strafe
xLeeee: or arrow rain
Iepiat: Hmmmm
Iepiat: Fine.



xLeeee was a guildmate I had stalked to zombies. Since he was only three or so levels from getting Strafe, he asked me not to make him jealous with my ranger skills.


I trained with him for a while, helping defend the map against clerics and the like. Later, after he signed off, I leveled to 80. Several months after my purchase, I could finally use my 98 attack arund.

As a result, I was greeted with this when I visited a few guild members in the free market. For some reason, I’m apparently friggon god.


August 14th to 15th

A few notable events:

xlilexpertx, a ranger in our guild, has to restart his own wedding two times because he disconnects so much that night.

Lee shows me his 94 attack BoMD.

Cheezy signs on his sin after having his characters wiped. I track him down to Ludi, where I attempt to party quest with him. Unfortunately, no one likes partying with rangers. :'(

Collecting temporal fragments for a quest, I come across the clone of that Ludi pq boss – the first time I’ve seen him.



August 24th

I returned to Ludi to meet two good friends, BlackNazgul and Greydragons.

Instead of a limp triangle of cloth, Naz now sported a brilliant circlet on his head. Yep, he was now an awesome priest, with skills more flashy than mine.

We killed buffys and death teddies for a while, getting tachions for Naz and teaming up to take on harder monsters – though we had to scramble frantically away from master death teddies when our hyper body expired.

The evening ended with a few brief farewells and admonitions to enjoy the next few days.. school was approaching.


Now you post one. :p

6 thoughts on “For you.”

  1. Allen you’re too cool for school. We should skip and maple all day long! Good times, eh friend?

    -=The Nazgul=-

  2. Hey, gratz for anything I didn’t gratz you on yet. You have such smexy equips. I wouldn’t mind sporting a Bone Helm on my Warrior…

    Either way, you and Nazgul… lol. I can imagine you two hoodlums getting into trouble together, skipping school and whattnot.

  3. Piat said: ” looks like an iron hog
    – runs like an iron hog
    – sounds like an iron hog”

    Tharfor, it’s a… CHICKEN. >D

    Grats on 8x! Now you get to overlevel me again. ^^

    [edit] *mutters* Sorry, that grats was a little late in coming.

    And you have fun in school too. >>; *mutters*

  4. Lol, this is by far one of my favorite returning/leveling blogs of this summer!
    Nice blog
    even though I had to find out SilverFX is apparently not as smart as she looks
    It’s not a chicken, I think you’re looking for the word ‘goose’

    ~LaZzz. . .

  5. D: A /goose/?

    Butbutbut. My mother always said it was CHICKEN. >O!

    [edit] Cool, 11,111 blog reads. XD

  6. Wow, GMS has Zipangu now? How much did I miss?!

    And gratz on the level 80. You completely outlevel me by over 40+ levels. Yey

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