You wanna make us wait any longer NEXON?

Gawd! I’m rocking back and forth trying to download the patch everything the error connection box comes up, Mardia is going to be so awesome, and I think I’m going to make a Bandit on it… I think, this is so boring, they’ve extended the patch 3 hours now, and I’m sure in the next hour its going to be a 4 hour delay…

Soooo Boring…

I don’t have cable TV so I can’t do that, I deleted Audition off my computer, so I can’t do that =[

I guess I’m just SOL

Well, I hope we get it soon, and the Easter events going to be great, you know it, its roley poley moley holey.

7 thoughts on “You wanna make us wait any longer NEXON?”

  1. Tell me about it. I’m at school, but I’m still anticipating the patch. I can’t wait for after school 😛 I’m so anxious to see what new crap they’ll have. If they don’t have more than the new server, I’ll end up getting mad and I’ll probably quit ms. 😛 So yeah. Nexon ftl.

  2. @ Repulse, good news for you, there’s probably an Orbis Pq, and you can extend your guild with another 70 members =),

    roley poley moley holey. <33

  3. Guess what?

    I;’ve been up for, 6 hours now! Waiting! YAYAYAYAYAYAYA *cough*

  4. what is up with the patcher? When i start MS, the patcher starts up (woot new patch) a window comes up saying (ERROR: abnormal program termination)
    Any of you have that problem?
    O and i just got Nexon cash cards and now i cant use them :S.
    o well. i’l just have to go on my lv 11 noob in SEA,

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